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Jacob pov

'Daddy's boy'
Debbie gently brushed her fingers over the words that had been cut into my back maliciously. It had been done to me in a time of anger, in a time of pain. Those words hurt me more than any cut or bruise ever had. That woman knew how much I hate my dad and she did it so that those words would taunt me for the rest of my life.  So there's no escape from him. Even if he is in prison.
It's ruined my life. There's so many things I can't do now. I can't let anyone see my back. Ever. It's already started to scar over. The wretched words are going to stay with me forever. They are going to control everything I do. Everything I ever think. There's no escape.

Her tears started to fall thick and fast as she brushed her hand trough my hair affectionately as if I was Sam. Neither of us could say anything; neither of us had to.  She suddenly stood up. "I'm sorry. I can't be here any longer. I'll see you soon. Love you. Bye." I lay back down and stared out my window towards the car park. A few moments later, I saw Debbie hurry towards her car dragging a confused Sam with her. She wiped her tears away with her jumper sleeve before getting into the car and driving away.

I could tell that she had been nervous coming to see me. Normally, she'd be wearing high heels, her perfectly blond hair flowing down a skintight dress, but today she had an old tracksuit on and her hair was up in a messy bun. I don't think I'd ever seen her like this. Hell, I don't think she'd let anyone see her like this.
I knew she'd run out on me. That's why I didn't want them to see me any sooner. She wasn't ready. And to be honest, I wasn't ready either. I don't think I'll ever be ready to face up to her. Not if I can't even face up to myself. To my guilt, my regret, my fear.

My phone vibrated on the table at the end if my bed. I picked it up. A message from Jim, my foster dad.
You stupid boy! You upset your mother. How could you do that?
I didn't read the rest of the message, just flung my phone across the room and watched it smash against the far wall. I was far past angry now. How could he think this was my fault?

I suppose I'd better pick up what's left of my phone before anyone sees. Cold, the air rushed over my body as I pulled back the covers and one leg at a time, dangling off the edge of the bed, preparing to stand up. I grabbed ahold of the bedside table and stood up. Immense pain filled my body, shooting from my knee. I collapsed into my intravenous medication which came toppling down on top of me with an almighty crash. Nurse Sam rushed in with two of my nurses.
"What the heck, Jacob!" He said running over and picking up the IV, "What the hell was going through your head! You know your leg can't take your weight!"
"Jim." I mumbled, pointing to the phone. My nurses and Sam hauled me back into bed without a word and put the sides up. Sam pulled up my trouser leg to reveal that I had opened up the stitching in my knee.
"What did he say that made you forget that you can't stand on your leg?"
"He said it was my fault Debbies upset. How's this my fault?" I only got a sigh in return as he halted the blood flow with his hands. My other nurse gathered the stitching kit and handed it to Sam.
"Are you sure you should go back home to him if your this angry at a text message?"
"I can't go back to care. They hate me."
"If you're sure... you are going home in a few weeks- if you stay off that leg." He pulled down my trouser leg and walked off. Maybe I should go back into care, at least I'd be looked after better. I turned on the TV and, like a zombie, stared at the colours dancing across the screen. Anything to take my mind off the tragedy surrounding me. Haunting me.


"She's awake."
I looked up from my magazine to see Sam stood in the doorway.
He was referring to Georgina Harrow, the girl I'd been suspected of trying to murder. She'd been in a coma for 3 weeks after being attacked by the town's lake.
"She's asked for you Jacob. It's one of the only few words she muttered after waking up."
"I'm not seeing her. Sorry Sam. None of you can make me." He looked disappointed by my answer but said nothing. "I don't want to hurt her."
"You won't. Just give it a second chance."

JacobWhere stories live. Discover now