(chp 1) A Bonding Experience

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couple hours from where we last left off, y/n was the one doing all the work while Zahn sorta layzed around he didnt really care all that much none of it was hard to do, as he was taking liz advice and decided to just be patient with her as it was the first day though patients is limited.

y/n: *whew* is that it?

Zahn: yeah, tired? come on now it wasnt even much are you really that weak?

y/n: *huff* im not! its just really hot in here...

Zahn: *looks around* well duh its a boiler room.  what ever you say soldier boy, come on then lets take a shower before you sweat all over the place.

y/n agreed not really noticing how she said it which meant they were showering together, though it was because it was normal of course you could goto your rooms to shower but there is also a communal shower which was quicker then going all the way back and since it was close by why not? y/n already had a locker near there and extra clothes so easy, unless your insecure which could be a problem for some but y/n isnt one of those. upon reaching it she walked in encourging y/n to follow who was kinda just like huh?

Zahn: ya coming? dont tell me you cant handle a shower with other people.

y/n: its nothing i cant handle just i dont trust you.

Zahn: ugh really? just come on, just think of it as a nice bonding experience between friends.

y/n: but we arent friends, and im pretty sure you made that very clear!

Zahn: *facepalm* .... *stern voice* look be a good boy and...... get in the fucking shower!

y/n: *Flinch* geez alright dont have to yell.

Zahn: then stop being so irritating.

hot and steamy shower seen (not really):

y/n: *takes off clothes piece by piece* So are you really just maintence personal?

Zahn: yeah, why?

y/n: cause i did everything, while you just layzed around?

Zahn: why would i do anything, if i could get you to do it?

y/n: then i wont do anything.

Zahn: and that would piss me off and you dont wanna piss me off, do ya? *bears teeth*

y/n: no no no, im good.

after getting naked y/n stepped under one of the shower heads turn on the water as by no surprise Zahn went to the one next to him. after a few minutes of washing up...

Zahn: mind helping and getting my back?

y/n: uh.. sure.

Zahn then "slipped" as she leaned back her ass jiggled and squished against his cock.

Zahn: oops~

y/n:*blush* you did that on purpose.

Zahn: nah i really just slipped heh, besides you should consider yourself lucky most people would love to get this close to me. and before you ask and piss me off no i dont do this to every guy, you're the only one.

y/n: why are you like this? i dont understand you at all...

Zahn: you're easy to fuck with, plus i know you wont do anything... and i can just walk all over you figurative and literally

y/n: ngh you're playing with fire here so quit acting like you know me.

Zahn: hmm well prove me wrong...

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