16: Sixteen

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Taehyung's P.O.V

We arrived at the Japan. The thing is...

Jimin, and Mina came with us. I look at Jimin who is smiling as he is getting to have a vacation with Mina. Momo said she will come later, as she will go visit Heechul's hyung parents.

"This is my first time at Narita International Airport" Jimin said and look around.

"You should have just said this is your first time in Japan, Jimin-sshi" I said and look around as well, I can feel Jimin is glaring at me.

"Mina's house will be in Kobe though. She will need to take train" Sana said.

"I'll go with Mina, it's been a while since I saw your parents at Seoul. Did they knew I am here?" Jimin said excitedly while looking at Mina.

"Yeah, they are glad to see you. But, you need to go hotel with Taehyung to your hotel first" Mina glances away, probably because Jimin is looking at her too close. Why can't that idiot see that Mina actually likes him too? Oh god.

"Kim Taehyung, you should have book the hotel in Kobe" Jimin looks at me like he about to bite me.

"My girlfriend is in Osaka, why would I book a hotel in Kobe? If you're not satisfy, you should have book it by yourself" I argue back.

"Ah don't fight, let's go. I'll tell taxi to drop you off at hotel" Sana said, as she drags both of us to find taxi.

"Mina, be safe love!" Sana said, as she turns to Mina and waves before she turns back to drag us.


Sana came to take us again, after we got some rest, and shower. We're now at train station to drop Jimin.

"Okay, Jimin. Make sure to listen to the announcement well or you will miss Kobe. Once you are there, call Minari. She is already waiting for you there. When you're back, call me or Taehyung so, we will pick you up" Sana sounds like a mother who is sending her son to a trip right now. 

"Yes, thank you Sana. Enjoy your date with Taehyung now" Jimin said to Sana, which I can see she is quiet shy by his words.

Once Jimin get on the train, I quickly drag Sana by arm from the train station.

"Taehyung, where are we going?" Sana asked.

"Anywhere that we can date. Because there is only us now" I said, somehow I got embarrassed after what I said. I can feel my ears is burning. Ugh.

Sana didn't say anything, I glance at her and can see that she actually likes it. She is smiling. 

I quickly let go of her arm, and stretch out my hand. She looks at me with a confuse face.

"Give me your hand, jeez" I interlock my hand with hers. She looks at our hand, and look at me again.

I glance away because I never done anything like this before. I probably die of being embarrass.

"Let's gooo" Sana said as she swings our hands up and down like a kindergarten kid. Somehow it still made me smile, and just want to pack her in bag- wait too small, probably sack.

We keep walking, and looking around.

"Do you want to have dinner outside, or get some ingredients to cook at my home?" Sana asked.

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