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AnimeCon Au
Thanks Official_UravityO_ For the idea
Oh and This is Connected To Chapters 66 and 67 So Go there if you forgot

____ Surprises You With Going To A Con With them Luckily You and ____ Have Cosplays Together so you both Go

Who Goes To Con With You ?

Aries: Deku

Taurus: Momo

Gemini: Todoroki

Cancer: Bakugou

Leo: Kirishima

Virgo: Shinso

Libra: Jiro

Scorpio: Iida

Sagittarius: Tamaki

Capricorn: Ochako

Aquarius: Nejire

Pisces: Kaminari

While You Were at the Con You Spotted some Of your Classmates From class 1-a

Who Do You See

Aries: Leo and Kirishima

Taurus: Scorpio and Iida

Gemini: Aquarius and Nejire

Cancer: Virgo and Shinso

Leo: Pisces and Kaminari

Virgo: Libra and Jiro

Libra: Sagittarius and Tamaki

Scorpio: Cancer and Bakugou

Sagittarius: Capricorn and Ochako

Capricorn: Aries and Deku

Aquarius: Gemini And Todoroki

Pisces: Taurus and Momo

After Everyone meets up Deku Suggests we Take Photoshoots ~•||They Do that at cons right ?||•~

Who goes to the photo shoots with you

Aries: Cancer and Bakugou

Taurus: Capricorn and Ochako

Gemini: Pisces and Kaminari

Cancer: Aries and Deku

Leo: Libra and Jiro

Virgo: Aquarius and Nejire

Libra: Leo and Kirishima

Scorpio: Sagittarius and Tamaki

Sagittarius: Scorpio and Iida

Capricorn: Taurus and Momo

Aquarius: Virgo and Shinso

Pisces: Gemini and Todoroki
Once The Cons Over You all go Out and Eat Something and boom there goes Day 1
A/n: Heyy Did I get the Con Stuff right I've never been to one so Idek What goes on at cons

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