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Graduation Au

You and Class 1-A Graduate And become pro hero's, in the morning comes a Ceremony Presented by Principle Nezu Himself He call Each Student one at a Time Then He calls You

Who Cheers You on the most when the principle Calls your name
Aries: Deku

Taurus: Kendo

Gemini: Iida

Cancer: Bakugou

Leo: Ochako

Virgo: Jiro

Libra: Todoroki

Scorpio: Shinso

Sagittarius: Mina

Capricorn: Sero

Aquarius: Kaminari

Pisces: Kirishima

Followed By The Ceremony All the Proud Parents Of the students come and Take Pictures and All that Cheesy Stuff

Who introduces you to there parents ?
~||It doesn't matter If they were your parents from that one chapter all my Chapters are random and it changes for each Scenario||~

Bakugous Mom
Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio

Midoriyas Mom
Aries, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer

Todorokis Mom
Libra, Pisces, Taurus, Sagittarius

Once All of The Cheesy Stuff is Over You And ___ Start Crying Because You realize After Today You'll become a Official Pro Hero And Leave UA Where you had Amazing Memories And Fun With all Your ClassMates 

Who Starts Crying With You From that

Aries: Ochako

Taurus: Iida

Gemini: Jiro

Cancer: Deku ~||Oh God- Get The Tissues||~

Leo: Bakugou ~||They Were Little Tears But Still-||~

Virgo: Shinso ~||Same as Bakugou||~

Libra: Tsu

Scorpio: Kirishima

Sagittarius: Kaminari

Capricorn: Mina

Aquarius: Momo

Pisces: Todoroki ~||Same With Bakugou and Shinso||~

Once That's all Over UA Announces That They will be having a Goodbye party Later in the evening ~||So it's kinda like prom ?||~

Who Asks You To Go with them To the Dance
~||Not Romantically||~

Aries: Todoroki

Taurus: Tsu

Gemini: Deku

Cancer: Ochako

Leo: Kaminari

Virgo: Momo

Libra: Jiro

Scorpio: Mina

Sagittarius: Shinso 

Capricorn: iida

Aquarius: Bakugou

Pisces: Sero

Evening Goes By Everyone is having Fun, Kirishima is Dancing With Bakugou, Gemini is Comforting Deku From Crying again From Crying, Mina is Breaking some sick dance moves, But Kaminari and his dumbass Brings Tequila From his house- And Spikes the Drinks ~||That Honestly sounds like something he would do||~ Soooo

Who Gets Drunk With You And Walks Home with you ?

Aries: Deku

Taurus: Bakugou

Gemini: Iida ~||Damm He let himself loose if he Did that||~

Cancer: Mina

Leo: Jiro

Virgo: Jiro

Libra: Ochako

Scorpio: Todoroki

Sagittarius: Kirishima

Capricorn: Kaminari

Aquarius: Shinso

Pisces: Momo
A/ N: Hello Lovely Humans Please tell me if you like these long Scenarios I enjoy writing Them and Coming Up With Ideas To please you all

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