a salient encounter

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'Hello, Taehyung, if I may, where are the others?' you inquired of the prince like individual before you. 'It's just me today, the others preferred the Louvre, no offense.'

'None taken,' you smiled sweetly. Extending your hand towards the doors as a gesture for him to enter, you noticed how exceedingly intelligent he looked, and not much different from yourself in terms of age. Leading him towards the front desk, you instructed him to do the usual paperwork student visitors were required to fill for the tour as well as acquiring his name tag, although you thought it was a bit pointless, seeing that it was only him.

'So, first and foremost, welcome to the Orsay museum. Now, where do you want to start the tour?' you stated. Putting his hands inside his pockets, Taehyung put his thinking face on, you admitted to yourself that it was one of the most endearing thing you have ever witnessed. 'To be honest with you,' he said. 'Yes?' you replied.

'I used to be a regular here, but I started my master's degree about a year ago and since then, I haven't been able to come around here as often.'

'Oh, I see.' you nodded in response. 'My guess is that you started working here about the same time, am I right?'

'Yeah, right on there,'

'That explains why I didn't recognize you,' he smiled earnestly. 'If perchance, I can make a request to you, would you grant it?' he inquired.

'Of course,' you answered, all too keenly.

'Well,' he paused to read your badge, '___, not to sound like a pompous know it all, but I'm pretty confident in my knowledge of this place, and it's safe to say that I've grown to fall in love with this enchanting old pile of bricks,' his eyes met yours and you could swear your heart skipped a beat. 'I'd like to know what made you fall in love with it.'

In awe of this incredibly attractive and intellectual man before you, you didn't realize a hand placing itself on your back. Startled, you held your heart on your hand and saw Emile beside you, 'A simple hello would be enough, you know.' you said. 'Not my fault you're that jumpy,' he replied.

Extending his hand towards Taehyung, Emile introduced himself and so did Taehyung. 'We were just about to start our tour,' you said to Emile. 'Oh, great! My group is supposed to be here any minute, so, gotta go,'

Emile gave you a light pat on the back and nodded Taehyung goodbye as he headed towards the front door.

'As I was saying,' Taehyung said. 'What made you get here in the first place? Was it Van Gogh or Monet? The sculptures? Or the interesting history of this building?' he continued.

Pausing to think, only one thing presented itself in your thoughts, 'Well, if you ask me what made me fall in love with this place, I'd have to say the Seine.'

He seemed to be taken aback by your answer. From the look that was displayed upon his face, he was visibly trying to figure out the correlation between your answer and the actual art that were on display inside the building. Before he could get a chance to try to figure everything out, you explained for him. 'My late dad brought me to the Seine when I was a kid, it was one of our most cherished memories and working here gave me the chance to see it everyday as well as admiring the finest pieces of art known to man all the while.'

The expression on his face morphed into a quite mellow one. 'I'm sorry, ___.' he said while placing a hand on your shoulder. 'It's alright really,' you smiled.

'Would you like to show me some of those 'finest pieces of art known to man'?'

'I don't see why not.' you stated.

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