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Three months had passed since I started attending Wheaton S.T.E.M Academy and I still hate it. I hate talking to the people here, I hate it when they stare and ask stupid questions. I just hate people and I don't think I'll ever get used to being around them.

I also haven't been going for my classes though and I've been sleeping in the trees more often than not but not the one Geneva found me in. I still have tutoring sessions with Cameron but I always leave before he can thank me or do something foolish.

My end of semester exams are approaching but that is the least of my problems.

"So what is your problem?" I ask myself

"Well, there's a school dance coming up and I don't want to go for it?"

Then don't go for it. Sigh.

"I wish but my parents already know about it and they think it'll be a good idea for me to make friends and probably become more social".

Ugh. Sometimes my parents can be stupid. I've already spent three months in this school without making a single friend and they think that a school dance, a damn school dance will make me social.

"How stupid, so stupid" I scoff.

I head towards the school's music room. I haven't been there since the first time I had a tour around the school.

Some pause and respite is what I need now.

I open the door of the music room and as usual I'm amazed. It has every instrument one could possibly think of and it's large enough to fit an orchestra.

"Wow" I gasp

I slowly walk into the room taking everything in. My eyes dart around the place and I quickly walk to the part of the room where the stringed instruments are kept.

There's a huge shelf lined with all the types of chordophones ever made. From ancient designs to the modern ones. I stand in front a particular one. It's about four shelves high. All the tiny string instruments are there.

"Lute, viola, sitar, mandolin, banjo,... oh there you are" I mutter to myself. I quickly grab a seat. Standing on it, I reach for the top shelf where I pick up a violin.

Playing the violin has also helped me reduce my stress levels in times when I can't draw along with many other things. I get off the seat and put it back in its place.

Positioning the violin between my shoulder and under my chin, I place the bow on the strings with my pinky sticking out and start to play one of Beethoven's symphonies.

I close my eyes and let the tune take me far away, beyond my imaginations. I move around in a circular motion.

"1,2,3,1,2,3..." I'm practically dancing with my violin. I feel a feather like touch on my waist but I ignore it. I keep on playing.

This time the grip is firm but I don't stop. I stop moving around but keep playing. I play faster.

"Just keep on playing, forget about Cameron" I know it's him so I play faster trying to distract myself from his touch.

The grip becomes firmer. I quickly stop and spin on my heels turning around to face him.

"Reuben" I say clearly shocked.

"Were you expecting someone else?" He asks looking around, a smirk on his face.

"No" I say with a frown on my face.

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