Chapter 38 - A day off

Start from the beginning

I went to go sit down but the phone rang. I walked over to it and picked it up.

"Hello?" I said down it.

"Hey, is that Lena?"

"Uh, no. Lena's busy. Who's this?"

"Oh, hi (y/n). It's Jack. I'm just checking on all agents to see if everyone's ok."

"Ok. Me and Lena are fine. We came across some thugs on our walk to the house, but we dealt with them."

"Ok then. Anything else happen which I might need to know about?"

"Um, the news have made a story about 'London's hero Lena' dating the slayer. We went shopping yesterday and a lot of people recognised us. Lena's fine with it, but she's still a big target to Talon and I get slightly concerned about it."

"Ok. I can tell them to not do that, if you'd rather not have any news articles about you two."

"Yeah that'd be nice. I kinda wanna keep a low-ish profile, for now at least."

"Ok. I'll see what I can do."

"Anything else?"

"Um, yeah. A null sector mob boss called Lawrence Minelli is having an exchange of some plutonium in 3 days time with an unknown supplier. Vega's got the location and can tell you all the mission details. All you need to know is that Minelli wants to collapse human-omnic rights and start another war, and he's also done deals with Talon in the past. We don't know how much protection he's got, but you and Lena are going to take him out, secure all the plutonium and bring him back for interrogation. If all else goes to shit though, get as much of the plutonium and get you, Lena and it out of there. Understood?"

"Yes Jack."

"Right then. Good luck with it soldier."

"Thanks Jack."

As I said that, I put the phone down and turned around to see Lena standing behind me in her bathrobe.

"What's that about?" She asked as she walked up to me.

"Oh, Jack was asking how we're doing. I told him we're fine, we had the thugs and asked if there was anything he could do to stop the news from making articles about us."

"What was that last bit about?"

"That's what I'm getting to. A null sector mob boss is exchanging plutonium with an unknown supplier in 3 days time. Basically we've got to get in there, get all the plutonium and get him out alive for interrogation. He said if all else goes to shit though, to just get as much of the plutonium as possible and get you out safe."

Lena smiled and walked over to me.

"I know you'll keep me safe. I can count on it."

I smiled back at her and hugged her. Just as I did, I heard a ping come from the kitchen. I looked up to see the toast pop up from out of the toaster. Lena turned around to see what'd happened.

"Looks like your toast's ready." I said. Lena looked back at me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks luv." She said as she walked over to the toaster. She got a plate out and put the two slices of toast onto it. She got an unopened jar of jam out of the fridge and tried as hard as she could to open it, but gave up.

"Luv, I've had this jar for over a year now and I still can't open it." She said as she once again tried her hardest to open it, but to no avail.

"Hand it here." I said as I walked over to her. She handed me the jar and took a step back. I clasped the lid and twisted it. I must say, it was bloody stiff. After a second though, it made a very satisfying pop and the lid came off.

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