Best Friends

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Imagine the excruciating agony someone goes through when their whole world comes crashing down in flames. When your own eyes refuse to believe it's reality. The type of pain where your chest tightens and your fighting back the tears, choking on your words. Your brain scrambling to put the pieces together but can't. That is what Jungkook goes through.

He thought he could keep it in but it's only suffocating him. If you were to ask him if he would rather live or die, without hesitation Jungkook would pick the second one. Because hell will surely be better than what's happening right now.

It all started when Jungkook received a wedding invitation from his former best friend, Kim Taehyung. That's not what hurt Jungkook, sure it was like a knife in his chest but Jungkook wasn't selfish. He was beyond happy for his best friend when he told him he was dating despite being in love with him. Well, not right away but the idea grew on him, painfully slow.

What hurt and still hurts is that Taehyung let Bogum manipulate him. Told Tae what he could and couldn't do and he'd obey. Without realizing it Taehyung let Bogum control every aspect of his life.

Jungkook saw what Bogum was doing and told Tae but he wouldn't believe him. Taehyung told him it would be best if they spent less time together. He doesn't know what hurt more, the fact Taehyung chooses Bogum over him or that Bogum was hurting Tae.

Jungkook and Tae have been friends since grade school. He thought they had built a strong friendship but he was wrong.

The wedding starts in a few hours and Jungkook doesn't know if he even wants to attend.

"He's our friend Jungkook, you should go and wish him the best," Yoongi says dressed nicely in his tuxedo.

"I don't know"

"I know you, if you don't go you'll regret it so please hurry and get dressed, we leave in 15 minutes," Yoongi says

"Okay fine but don't leave me alone," Jungkook says before going into his room to get changed.

Jungkook walks out in his black fitted dress pants and red silk button up long sleeve with his hair curled and parted.

They leave and head to the destination where the wedding is being held. Jungkook doesn't understand why it's at a hotel, Taehyung's dream wedding is to have it outside with beautiful scenery, not dull walls.

Yoongi and Jungkook make their way to where Taehyung is. Before entering his room they knock. "Come in" Tae shouts

"Tae you look amazing" Yoongi says hugging him. But to Jungkook he looks skinnier like he hasn't been eating enough.

"Thanks Yoongi"

"Hi Jungkook," Tae says noticing him

"You look good Tae" Jungkook manages to say holding back what he wants to say.

"Thanks glad you both made it" Tae says happily. Jungkook keeps thinking if Tae is happy then he should be too.

"So where's you're honeymoon going to be?" Yoongi asks

"We're not having one" Tae says and Jungkook can't believe what he's hearing. For as long as he can remember Taehyung wanted to go somewhere tropical where there are beaches.

"Why not?" Jungkook doesn't mean to ask, it just slips out when he was thinking.

"It's too much money, we want to spend it on a house instead" Taehyung explains, We? More like Bogum. Jungkook knows Taehyung all too well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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