Epilogue Two

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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor will it ever be. The characters belong to Stephenie Meyer and I just like to play with Edward and Bella.

Also, thank you so much for your support for my writing. It means to me more than words can say.

I'm unsure if you'd heard, but one of our beloved fandom family members passed away a couple of weekends ago. Dee Creston, lovingly known as FangirlinGrandmaDee, died peacefully and surrounded by family. This chapter is dedicated to one of the kindest, warmest and friendliest members of our TwiFamily. Her love of fic and her encouraging words will be missed, tremendously.

From me to you, Dee, {GIANT TUFANO HUGS AND SMOOCHES} ... always and forever.

"Before a brain can register a thought, a mind must think it ... every step of the way is mind over matter ... We override our brains all of the time."
Deepak Chopra

Chapter Twenty-One

Epilogue Two

Bella, Jake and Edward were stretching out in the early, humid morning in mid-July in Chicago. They'd arrived a couple of days ago, wanting to get used to the air and the terrain of the city. Renee and Charlie were staying with Seth and Gianna while the rest of the family would compete in the half marathon.

"So, Vanessa was gorgeous," Bella said conversationally. "You make a striking couple, Jake. And she's so sweet."

"She's amazing," Jake said, his face blushing. "I ... the feelings I have for her are so strong. I'm so happy that you liked her."

"Well, after this marathon, we're going out to eat with her again, right?" Bella asked. "I want to hear more about her and get to know this wonderful woman who captured my son's eye."

"Ma, stop with the interrogation. Let's just run and see who's faster. Me, or the old man," Jake quipped.

"That would be me," Edward sang, pushing his sunglasses up onto his hair.

"You two are too much," Bella snickered. "For all you know, I may beat you all."

After that, they were corralled into their starting groups. With a single gunshot, the race began. Bella knew that she'd never beat her husband or her son, but she loved to razz them. She was still relatively slow when it came to running, but she did it because she was able.

She never took any of her steps for granted. She was bound to a wheelchair for nearly two years and she hated every moment of it. Shortly after the birth of her baby girl, she was back in that chair. Her body struggled with Gianna's delivery, despite taking precautions. Once she'd healed from her C-section, she worked with Marcus to get her legs back. Within three months, she was back to where she was prior to Gianna's delivery, but could no longer have children. It was fine. Gianna was an unexpected, but wanted blessing. She adored her baby girl, her sweet little peanut. What she adored more was seeing Edward flourish as a father, doting on his daughter and watching them bond.

He'd walked into Seth and Jake's life when they were older and so broken from what their biological father had done to them. While the boys had a connection with Edward, one that was special and beautiful, the link between Gianna and Edward was something more. Edward loved both of her sons. He supported them, catered to them and was invaluable in grooming them to be respectful young men. Regardless of what they did, Edward loved them unconditionally, even when they pushed buttons. He parented Jake and Seth with a firm hand, but was loving and respectful of their history.

Edward was gentle and tender with Gianna. Seeing him hold his baby girl tugged at her heartstrings and made her ovaries vibrate in need. She had her daddy around her little finger and she fell in love with her husband all over again.

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