It was silent.

Until Midoriya started laughing, finally getting up from the bed. He kind of spoke for the group as a whole and he knew how everyone felt about this.

The heroes flinched at the cruel laugh, all except Nezu.

"You really think that is an offer. We knew what we were getting into when we became villains. We knew there was a possibility we would get caught and go to jail. We knew. We are young, not stupid. That, offer, as you call it, you didn't think about it at first, did you? We are," Midoriya laughed. "We are all running from something in the outside world. How is sending us to high school anything better? You would be sending us right back into the world that ridiculed, mocked, and put us down for our quirks, or how we lived. And sending us back there? No. We would all," He looked around, seeing a chorus of nods, "Rather go to jail, then spend a second more in the damn world that outcast us for being different." Midoriya turned around, going back to the bed. He had no regrets about what he said, he knew everyone felt the same.

Toga who had been exiled from everything, everyone was afraid of her and she was just a kid who wanted to grow up and have fun, she ran away at age 8. Dabi who had the pressure of surpassing All Might long before Shouto did, he ran away at age 7 from the pressure. Twice who was constantly getting picked on, people saying his quirk is useless and not good enough to become a hero. After the whole clone incident when he was 8, he ran away a year later on his birthday. Shigaraki, who sat in the cold on the streets for days as people passed him, not even giving him a second glance until he was found by All For One at age 5. And then Midoriya who had been teased and abused and bullied relentlessly, who's teachers turned a blind eye towards him because he didn't have a quirk. Who ran away at age 10 to end it all before he was found as well.

Society had fucked them up. They weren't going back like nothing happened.

Aizawa, on the other hand, understood. Not that any of the villains knew, but he was teased when he was younger as well, constantly bullied, his insomnia didn't help, nor did the neglect he dealt with from his parents. He understood more than they would believe, and just like that, he grew a soft spot for everyone in that cell.

Nezu and All Might walked out, seeing Aizawa had a plan, so they left it to him.

"Can I.. Could I see one of you at a time in the room next door?" Aizawa asked in a soft voice, but firm enough to know they didn't particularly have a choice, "Starting with Toga." He said, a little firmer.

Midoriya instantly growled in a protective manner, seeing as Toga was obviously not comfortable with the situation.

"I'm not going to hurt her," Aizawa hissed. "Just some questions that need to be asked, I won't even touch her if that makes you happy." Midoriya's protective attitude didn't let up, but he took a step back, squeezing Toga's hand before they were put into she put hand cuffs on them.

Aizawa opened the cell's door, careful to hold up his promise and not touch her as he lead her to the room next door. Midoriya started pacing, he hated being split up like this, even just for a little while. It gave him to much anxiety.

"Izuku, take a breath," Dabi came to his side, knowing full well of Midoriya's panic attacks that happened all too often.

Midoriya took a shaky breath, knowing this wasn't the time, nor place, to have a panic attack and expose himself in front of the pros.

"She'll be fine, up against Aizawa, he is nothing. If he atacks, she can easily take him down." Dabi whispered soothingly into Midoriya's ear while hugging him. Dabi was the only one, save Toga, that could calm him down. He knew what to say and how to say it. He understood Midoriya more than anyone else did.

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