6: The Order's New Spy

Start from the beginning

Severus was stuck silent at the flower, and his hands trembled ever so slightly as he took the flower from him. Severus was silent for the rest of the feast, moving only to eat the food prepared for him and to lightly twist the lily in his hand.

The rest of the Death Eaters were introduced to Little One over time, and eventually, the sight of a toddler Inferius walking around the Dark Lord's castle became the norm. No one dared to question the child, and no one was suicidal enough to harm him. Not only would they face the Dark Lord's wrath, they would also face the wrath of the Inner Circle, who fancied themselves Aunts and Uncles to the Inferius.

Severus cursed and slammed another book shut, throwing with anger at the wall. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing about breaking an Unbreakable Vow. The name was truly self explanatory. Severus had hoped that a ritual, or perhaps a potion... But no.

Severus growled, hating the feeling of helplessness that surrounded him. Severus could not let the Order take Little One, but his hands were tied. There was only so much time Severus could stall for. The only reprieve that Severus felt was in the knowledge that without Severus's help, the Order would not find out about Little One.

Eventually, Dumbledore would have to give up. The Order would convince him to stop searching for something that didn't exist, and instead convince him to choose a new tactic. Severus just needed to wait until they gave up hope.

Suddenly, a lynx patronus burst into his kitchen. Kingsley's voice boomed over the silence of the small room. "Order meeting. Grimmauld Place in ten minutes."

Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear.

Severus groaned in annoyance, and began to clean up the mess of papers and books scattered about his kitchen table. He would have to attend the meeting, but when he returned he would continue to research ways to get out of his oath.

Hopefully this doesn't take too long.




"My friends, I come bearing good news," Albus said, his trademark grandfatherly smile resting on his aged face. Severus resisted the urge to sneer. This should be good. "My second spy has come forth with the Dark Lord's weakness!"

Severus felt his insides freeze.

"Second... Second spy?" he choked out, forcibly holding his mask in place. "What second spy?"

Albus's blue eyes twinkled and it made Severus want to curse him. "You are not the only spy in the Dark Lord's ranks," he said simply. "I saw no need to inform you of him, as it would risk blowing your cover."

Bullshite. Severus knew right then and there that Albus was beginning to doubt Severus. That wasn't good. If he doubted Severus then he would have a much harder time protecting Little One and getting out of the Order.

"What's the weakness?" Molly Weasley asked. Severus was hopeful, though. If there was another spy in the ranks, then there was no way they wouldn't know the severity of the consequences they'd face should they reveal Little One.

"It appears the Dark Lord has an Inferius." Albus said, and choked gasps were heard all around the table.

Shite! Severus was frozen to his chair, his eyes wide with disbelief. Whoever this spy was, they were either suicidal enough to dare to reveal Little One, or were ridiculously determined to the cause that the consequences didn't matter.

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