"We're up against the people that really run this country..."

Ada said pulling out a small device from her pocket.


(Y/N) asked with crossed arms.

"...in a very dangerous game, and if you dont play your hand right..."

Ada circled us as her device rang.

She gave a wink and using her grappling hook quickly jumped out of the cave.

I shook my head as my eyes followed her form.

And then my device rang, bringing me back to the present.

I pulled it out.

"Leon, where are you?"

"Is Simmons there?!"

I asked Hunnigan,


"Hunnigan you need to be careful. We think hes the one that did all-"

"Did I hear my name?"

Helena looked over my shoulder at the little screen her face hardened into a scowl.


"The president spoke highly of you, Agent Kennedy... Agent Ortega."

Simmons said, giving a twisted smile.

"Likewise. He told me you had been friends for 30 years?"

I asked,

"Tell me, is it true that you and Agent Ortega were the only ones present at the time of his death?"

Simmons asked innocently.

"What are you saying..?"

(Y/N) growld,

"Well, you must be aware that you three are suspects in this attack."

He said with a shrug.


Helena yelled,

"Agent Harper... at the time of the attack you abandoned your post. Leaving the president vulnerable."

He set Helena up.

"You must admit such behaviour is suspicious."

"You son of a bitch! You're the one who planned all this!"

Helena yelled,

"With whatever evidence could you base such an outrageous accusation?"

Simmons said slyly.

"I am the national security advisor. It is my job to prevent terrorist attacks not cause them."

Helena was shaking her head furiously.

"You liar!"


(Y/N) gripped her shoulder to calm her down.

"If the three of you feel so strongly about your innocence, then you should have no problem turning yourselves in."

Simmons said with a glance at Hunnigan who looked away.

Then he cut off our connect.

I clenched my jaw as I pocketed my device.

"I'm going to make him pay."

Helena said glaring at the ground.

"Looks like things just went from bad to worse..."

I replied.

We all ran to find a way out of the tunnels, they lead us to a door with a serpent engraved in it with a tiny little hole in the middle.

"... my ring..."

I said rolling it off my finger,

"Where did you get that?"

(Y/N) asked with furrowed brows.

"...Ada gave it to me."

I said, putting the ring into the small slot.

"When did she..?... whatever..."

(Y/N) said following Helena through the now open door.

The room infront of us was flooding!

We ran around trying to find a way out,

Helena had gotten ahead of (Y/N) and I and was opening the gates for us!

"Keep turning! It's working!"

I said as the gate began to open.

Then something grabbed Helena by the waist and dragged her down with a muffled scream.


(Y/N) yelled ready to dive in after her but I held them back,

A few seconds later Helena came out of the water and climbed over a small wall into a shallow pool of water!

"Leon! (Y/N)!"

She yelled,

"Helena! You ok?"

(Y/N) asked as them and I climbed a stair case.

"I'm fine."

Helena said through our earpiece.

"But I'm way over here now."

"We'll cover you as much as we can, just keep moving forward."

I said, and (Y/N) and I took aim from our perch on the stair case.

And so gate after gate, lever after lever we all helped each other navigate through the flooded tunnels.

"Nice to see you again stranger."

(Y/N) joked as we finally reunited with Helena infront of a giant door.

"Yeah yeah come on, this might be our way out."

Helena pulled the one lever as I pulled the other...

But the door didnt open..


The floor did however, swallowing up Helena, (Y/N) and I.



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A/N: YAAAY!! Another chapter!! Its so nice to see all you guys excited for these!!
Sorry this ones a little shorter then the others!

Leon: it's nice to have u back Parker.

A/N: nice to be back!
Anyway that's all for now
Love u all my guardians

Leon Kennedy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now