exam time

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Shiro pov

today was the day. the day I went to go and ATTEMPT to get into UA. I never thought I would ever get in but it seemed that Bakugou thought I would get in just because of my strong quirk. the things he didn't know was that I hated my quirk for mixing with fire. I only ever wanted ot have the ice part of my  quirk I hated the fire because it was what burned my brother. it is what gave a burn mark on my shoulder. I get up and run my hands threw my hair sorta brushing out little bits of gravel from the ground we slepted on. I glance at Touya whos eyes were fluttering open.

"good morning Shiro!" he smiled at me and went to the box that was brought to our small shelter like thing the night before.

"whats in there Touya?" I asked him he smiled and opened it up. handing me a photo of Shoto, Natsuo and Mom. I stare at the photos. it was framed with something that looked like gold to me

"h-how did you g-get this T-touya?" I whisper as I clutch the photo of Shoto and Mom closer to me then the rest. Shoto was my twin brother that I had left behind. 

"I was planning on giving them to you on your sixteeth birthday but when you mentioned getting in the hero course at UA I decided to give them to you before then because well I wanted to tell you that well... um.. I figured out that Shoto is getting into the school through the recomadation." Sighed Touya. wait what?! I might get to see my brother? I now NEED to get into UA. 

"r-really?" I asked while clutching his photo vloser ot me if it was even possible. he nods and I thank him for telling me before changing into shorts and a T-shirt because well it was the only other thing I had that wasn't my school uniform. we were broke and if I could get into UA then hopefully I would be able to do well and earn me and my brother money. he had always wanted this burn cream but used the money that he earned to get food for us. he had even paid for some of my school books. I wanted to be able to get him something for his upcoming birthday. (he doesn't have a real birthday but I'm just gonna say it is soon.) I looked at him smiling pecking his cheek before heading to UA to take the test. my body was shaking when I got to the entrance of UA. someone tapped me on the shoulder and just from reflex my shoulders went ice cold but burned whosever hand had touched me.

"Oi Tezuka-chan don't burn my hands off I need them!" snapped a annoyed voice. well shit it was Bakugou. I thought and apologized multiple times to him. we begin to walk in and I see Midoriya. the quirkless boy in our class.

"whys he here?" I asked Bakugou. he growled and just said he would never make it. I nod my head and look around at everyone. I had become so scared and shaking that Bakugou literally had to hold me still.

"geez you're shaking so much your're really that nervous that you won't get in?" he questioned me. I nod and without knowing it hug him. ummmm shit? I think as I pull away from him still shaking. I risk a glance at his face and choke. I was about to die wasn't I. I look down and hear a chuckle from above me.

"you've lost your mind Yezuka-chan." he says to me. I blush like a mad woman. not daring to say a thing to him. soon someone announces that we will start in a minute. I shake even more making me practially fall over.

"take a deep breath Shiro-chan. and calm the fuck down." says Bakugou in a....calming tone. I nod and take some deep breathes. it calms me a little bit to know that Bakugou will be there. I had been so flustered that I didn't realize he had used my first name not my last.

"if you really want to get into the school then we can work together to get in. you've already gotten a high score on the written exam so if this scares you then we will just do it together." he tells me. I slowly nod and spin on my heal when I hear present mic begin the count down to start. I take one last breath hold onto Bakugous hand and....

"START!!!" Present mic yells. the door opened and we all rushed intot eh areana. Bakugou would get ontop of the robot thing explode some of the awareness in it and then I would freeze it. this gave us both the point and by the end of the exam we had gotten 77 points. we tied of course for first and both well we both got into UA.

" you did it Shiro-chan!" Bakugou smiled at me. it wasn't his satan smile it was a real smile. I smiled back.

"w-wait did you just call me Shiro?" I asked him. he nods and smirked.

"wer're friends right? best friends." he says then walks away leaving me stunned about what he had just said. it was true he was the closet thing I had to a best friend or even a friend at all. 

"well at least you got into the school. now you've just gotta deal with your twin brother." I mumbled and began my walk home.

Todoroki's sister Shiro TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now