21. Hwa Joong Jae Wang

Start from the beginning

There was a weak, "yes Poong Wol Joo," as the man exited as quickly as he had arrived. Bu-jae stepped forward and ordered, "since there is nothing more to see, go back! Quickly!"

The Hwarangs started to disperse until only Ji-dwi, Sa-do, Seon-woo and Ah-ro were left. As if imitating the sudden alteration in Seonmoon, it started to pour. The four of them remained standing in the rain.

Seon-woo was the first one to move as he stepped towards the half-ripped scroll. Clutching his wound to ease the pain that his movements caused, he knelt down. He took the scroll as he scrutinized the symbol at the bottom and then his empty wrist. Yes. It was the same sign. He was sure of it. But the fact that his best friend's killer had been in such close quarters with him had him shaken. Who was it?

Sa-do released Ji-dwi's hand as she stepped forward. "Oraboni?" she called out delicately. No response. The man was in a trance. This wasn't working out. When she turned back, Ji-dwi was gone. That was worrisome. He didn't look like he was holding on too well earlier. She turned to her friend instead. Ah-ro assured her that she would look after Seon-woo and told her to go find Ji-dwi.

Ji-dwi was slumped on one of the wooden crates in the warehouse, his elbows resting against his knees. His mind was running at full speed, coming up with way too many thoughts than he could properly keep up with. He had needed some alone time, so he sought out this vacant place, leaving Sa-do standing out in the rain.

Suddenly the door opened. "I have been looking everywhere for you," he heard Sa-do's familiar voice claim.

"You found me. I was trying to escape to a place where no one would find me," he said, almost bitterly, before finally turning his head back. The sight shocked him. Sa-do was wet, absolutely drenched, as she took in deep breaths like she had just run a marathon. Surely, she hadn't been running around Seonmoon through the heavy downpour?

"It's nothing but a paper scroll hung on the wall. No one will believe it," she pointed out though a sliver of doubt laced her voice.

"I had imagined this kind of situation many times. It is less of an issue than I thought it would be. Is it because you are here with me?" he asked jokingly though he already knew that the answer to his question was a yes. Sa-do didn't reply. As the silence stretched on, the feeling and need to talk and get it all of his chest grew steadily.

Ji-dwi stared at his hands that rested on his lap as he said, "if it is known that I am the King, one of two things will happen: I will die in the hands of assassins or become King. Die or become King. I have thought of both of them every day, over and over. Now that I am facing that situation, I am scared more about what to do if people ask me to be their King from tomorrow rather than if I might get killed. That seems like it is more insensible. The King is scared to become King," he ended with a scoff at the irony.

"I don't think it's insensible." Sa-do walked over to him as she knelt down before him and took a hold of his hands. "Of course being a King is more daunting than death because death is an easy escape from it all. But if you become King, you will have to work hard towards it, take responsibility for all your subjects, bear the burden of Silla all alone. It's not an easy path. But I do believe you are strong enough to walk that path."

Ji-dwi looked at her eyes that burnt with sincere honesty. "You think so?" His voice was small and scared and he felt like a child seeking for validation. 

Sa-do held his hand tightly between hers. "I know so," she said with so much confidence that he couldn't help but believe her. She was right. Being a King was not easy, but it was the path he was destined to walk. So he may as well do it properly and make it worth it. "I am going to go back now. Are you ready to come or do you need me to put another 'don't approach' sign outside?" she asked teasingly with a small grin.

"That was you?" He was about to say something else too but stopped when she shook her head and said "no" in the most innocent way possible like she hadn't just admitted to the crime seconds ago. He gave in to the laugh that was bubbling inside him. "Sure," he said insincerely as he rolled his eyes.

"Thank goodness you smiled." Smiling at that comment Ji-dwi wrapped an arm around her shoulder and headed for the door, pulling her along. "Hiya!" she exclaimed, pulling away from him. "You're going to get wet," she told him when he raised a shocked eyebrow.

Ignoring her warning he pulled her close again. "Let's go quickly and get you changed before you catch a cold."

"Oh now you are worried? If you were so concerned you shouldn't have run away then."

"You shouldn't have tried to find me."

"And do what? Listen to Soo-ho and Ban-ryu argue and Yeo-wool talk about perfumes?"

"I would have taken some perfume recommendations if I was you."

"Of course you would have. But I am a girl if you remember. What do you want me to do with men's fragrance suggestions?"

"It's a good disguise. No one would ever suspect you. It's something you should think about investing in."

Their banter eased both their hearts as they temporarily forgot about the gravity of the situation and just enjoyed each other's presence.

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