8. Sneaking out

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Chapter 8.
Sneaking out.

Han-seong joined the six of them at dinner. And when Yeo-wool asked him if he was going to stay, the younger Hwarang insisted that he preferred it there with them adding something about seven being a lucky number.

"Since you already got a fail," Ban-ryu said, patronizing Seon-woo, "it doesn't seem like you will be able to stay here for long."

Yeo-wool frowned. "Are you that happy that you passed? I think Gae-Sae had the best answer."

Ban-ryu turned to glare at Yeo-wool. "What?" he gritted out, half incredulous and half annoyed.

"Everyone else thinks that way, no?" Han-seong gave a nod to answer Yeo-wool's question and the others' silence further proved his point.

"Ignore him. He is just trying to pick a fight because he's bored."

"Hey Jae-won! Do you have a death wish?"

Sa-do didn't even flinch, used to Ban-ryu's empty threats as she ate another spoonful of rice. Ji-dwi leaned forward slightly, surreptitiously blocking Sa-do, who was sitting beside him, from Ban-ryu's direct line of sight.

Suddenly Seon-woo asked, "is something called a memorial important? Is it that important?"

"Whose memorial is it?" Soo-ho inquired.

"She said it's my mother's," Seon-woo replied, looking more lost than ever. His answer managed to leave even Ban-ryu speechless. Han-seong just questioned why he was still here instead of going home.


At night no one had fallen asleep and lay awake in their beds. "This is no different from a prison. The assignment is over so why do I have to sleep with you guys?" Soo-ho complained dejectedly.

"Then you can leave," Yeo-wool said before climbing down from his bed. "You said it's like a prison," he clarified, pointing at Soo-ho, "and you will have to leave for the memorial," he added glancing at Seon-woo who also sat up.

Ban-ryu got up as he leaned over from the top bunk, "I am warning you guys. Don't do unnecessary things and get me into trouble."

But Soo-ho ignored him as he rushed to Yeo-wool's side. "What are you cooking up? You are not the type of person to do something without a backup plan," he pointed out, already excited. Even Sa-do leaned over her bed, looking down curiously.

"I played little tricks," Yeo-wool said vaguely with a smirk and revealed, "I said my mother sent special wine just for them. It's not medicinal wine but a pass-out wine."

Sa-do, unable to resist the temptation, climbed down. She met Ji-dwi's knowing eyes and he smiled before turning his attention to his other roommates.

"It is so strong that just one drink will make the whole body relax. And if you have two drinks, you wouldn't recognize your parents. 'The end' wine," Yeo-wool admitted, all too jovially, obviously proud of himself.

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