Chapter 5: Starting now

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Blue's view:

It's been a pretty hectic last few days. People are constantly in this house and fussing over me. I don't even understand what their deal is. I seem perfectly fine to me. I mean, other than a pretty large crack at the base of my skull that hurts sometimes, I seem just as healthy as the others. There are two people who are almost always here. I guess they live here or something. The shorter one that looks like a taller, gold toothed me, is called Fell. The ridiculously tall one who has quite a love for red wine is called Edge. They seem to tolerate me, but Fell is always asking me questions. Then one day I was sitting on the couch when Edge said something to Fell that made my bones crawl.

"SF is complaining that Killer is bugging him. Says Killer wants to see Blueberry."

I spit my juice box over my jacket and jump up, trying to brush it off.

"K-KILLER WANTS TO SEE ME?!?" I ask, panic rising in my voice, though I don't know why.

Fell rushes over and grabs my arm, trying to calm me.

"Why? Do you know Killer?" He pulled me to face him.

"I-I..." A mirage of images flash through my head and I stammer uselessly, sitting back on the couch.

I blink, unable to figure out how to word what I'm trying to say. Suddenly, my neck snaps itself to a straight position of its own accord and a headache slams me hard. My right eye seems to be burning and I see a sort of blue laser shoot from it to land on the wall opposite me. It forms an image of Killer on the wall and I whimper. Fell and Edge are staring from me to the wall with matching looks of shock. The Killer bends over and grabs his knife from a box and appears as if he is walking closer. His mouth moves, but no sound comes out. I knew what he was saying though. He was saying that no one could hear me.

"NO!" I shout, slamming my eyes shut and doubling over.

Fell stands there, looking dumbfounded. My breathing is shaky and I stay like that awhile, just gasping for air that seemed to be running away from me.

"What... what the fuck was THAT?!?" Fell asks.

No one answers. I finally stop panting as the headache fades away.

"That was... unexpected." Edge mumbles.

I glance up as Edge and Fell share a lot of secret looks. I growl under my breath and stand up.

"I'M NOT STUPID!" I nearly shout.

"No one said you were Blue..." Fell says, glancing away.

"NO! NO ONE EVER SAYS IT! THE SECRET LOOKS!!! PEOPLE THINK I'M BLIND OR SOMETHING AND I'M FUCKING DONE WITH IT!" I storm out, kicking the table as I pass and almost making Edge's wine spill on him.

I stomp off through the snow, not entirely sure of where I was going. I somehow ended up in the UnderFell dump. I climb to the top of the pile and sit down, trying to calm myself. Then I heard a clatter behind me and the thing from the other day was there, looking quite nervous.

"Heya B-Blue. What are you up to?" She stammered.

"NOTHING... NOTHING AT ALL." I growl a little and she backs away.

"I saw you in the house. I need to check you. Your Dreamsharing could be a problem. Will you come with me?" She sighs.

I growl in frustration, wanting to get far away. I take her hand and she teleports with me to a white, fairly empty room.

"This is a room of Asgore's place. He's letting me stay here a while because both this universe and yours is looking for me. I just need to run a few tests. That thing you did in the house? It is an ancient myth that some monsters could share dreams or memories if it involves a strong emotion. This "Dreamsharing" was thought to have died out long ago, but after studying your behavior, I think the major electric fluctuations in your body triggered the dormant nerve. You won't be able to control it for a while, but once you get the hang of it you can make voices and details of the suppressed memory come through. If you trust me, I can give you something that would bring your memories back. But you'd have to trust me Blue. And I know I don't deserve your trust, but I want to undo the mess I've made."

I blink and tilt my head. We stare at each other until I get annoyed.


She looks at me confused, then she starts laughing.

"I'm sorry! Hah hah. Just, you always used to go nearly ballistic when anyone cussed near you. Oh course though, I didn't introduce myself after the swipe did I? I'm Alphys." She chokes out between laughs.

I take the small bottle of pills she gives me.

"Take the two in there when you get back. It's a brain stimulant that will unlock the memories that have been suppressed okay?" 

I nod and she teleports me back to the dump and vanishes. I shake the two pills from the bottle and swallow them without water. Nothing happens. Maybe they take a while to work? I climb back up the pile of trash and sit on the top. Should I be creeped out that "Alphys" has been watching me for the past few days? Oh well. I lay back and stare at the cavernous ceiling and start to think. All of a sudden the memories hit me all at once. I yelp and memories start projecting themselves from my eye, onto the ceiling. My hand in Killer's, Killer's face close to mine in a deep kiss, Killer's knife. All of these and more flashing in rapid succession. I pass out.

I wake up a while later to find Fell beside me. He's sleeping.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I mutter to myself as I get up and slip out from his grasp.

I go to mine and Pappy's house, wondering how the hell I'm going to explain all of this.

Constant Heartache (SwapxFell) ~Completed!~Where stories live. Discover now