37: Breakout

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The song at the top is what Meliodas puts on in the car. I thought It was the perfect song for this moment in the story. It's bad ass and the lyrics fit the story quite well. As always Enjoy.

3rd Person
Meliodas was parked right outside the gate of the prison. He wasn't messing around and was ready to start some shit. He looked back at his crew in the car and handed them masks to wear.

"Hey look there like funny clown faces!" Howzer said putting on his mask. Gil laughed with him like the idiots they were. Helbrum only looked at the two annoyed.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't have time for your retarded antics. My girlfriends life is on the line right now. You think that's funny?" Meliodas said now holding his pistol in hand. He pointed it to their heads giving them a warning. The two men froze up.

"Sorry, no we don't think it's funny sir." The blonde haired man turned back around in his seat and sighed.

"Helbrum get out and disable the sprinkler system." Helbrum did as told taking his gun with him. Meliodas watched carefully as Helbrum walked to a power box outside the building. There was a couple of guards but they couldn't see him sneaking around. Of course the security cameras caught him but he didn't care. He knew this plan was reckless and they were going to get caught eventually.

The guard sitting in the camera room had seen Helbrum messing with the power box. His eyes widened and he alerted some other guards immediately. When he looked back at the screen Helbrum turned to the camera and flipped it off because cutting the power to the entire building.

Meliodas smirked and looked over at King. King had some Molotov cocktail bombs. He was going to light them and threw them at the weak spots of the building any place that was wood or could be lit easier. Helbrum came running back in the and police officers came running after him with guns in hands.

"Shit we gotta go." Once Helbrum was back in the car he stepped on the gas driving right towards the officers.

"Hold on boys! Gonna be a bumpy ride!" They shot at the windshield like crazy as Meliodas sped up faster.

"Holy shit!" Said Howzer as bullets flew past there faces. They ducked down in the back. The car came in hard contact with the bodies flying through the air and hitting the ground hard instantly killing them. There was blood covering whatever was left of the broken windshield.

"Shit!" King yelled, he rolled down the window and stuck his head out ready to throw the Molotov's. Meliodas swerved his car and drove around for King to get a clear shot. The engine of the car roared loud. As he sped around knowing that they have caused a huge scene.

"Hey boss! Can we get some music on while we are doing this?" Howzer asked as.

"Hell yeah!" Meliodas replied. King was throwing his bombs all over the building making sure they caught fire. The flames bursting up high engulfing the Windows as walls.

"Haha! Look captain look!" He said excited about his doings. Sirens were heard from behind them. Police cruisers were chasing and started shooting from behind.

"Get down!" Yelled Gil holding his head and ducking. Meliodas was laughing as the building started to burst up in flames. He hasn't been this reckless in a while and damn did it feel good. He was getting all his anger out and getting his gang back. The cars tires were popped by the bullets the police were shooting causing the vehicle to swerve.

"Shit shit shit shit! Hold on everyone!"

"Your surrounded exit your vehicle now!" The cop said into his microphone. The black mustang was now still no movement inside. Meliodas was calm knowing exactly what he was gonna do.

The Beauty and The Beast: SDS fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें