Seventh Day

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Chapter 15 Seventh Day

Having gone through training camp and it ending on Thursday, just means that we still have classes on Friday, unfortunately. But I wasn't weary about it, unlike the others.

I find myself looking at Bakugo-kun across the room. Remembering our talk last night, and me finally apologizing, I feel like I was able to take off a ton from my shoulders. We are officially friends! Knowing that, I felt really excited.

Despite us having classes today though, we will only be having it for a half a day. I guess the teachers have a lot of reporting to do anyways, and it seems like they just want to check up on us and report how the training camp went, and track our progresses. Sensei gave each of us a paper to fill out an essay on how our 3 day training camp went by.

Hmmm... I guess I should just write some recipes that Bakugo-kun taught me.

Suddenly the door in our classroom slid open and Kayama-sensei went inside. She walked through and went to Aizawa-sensei and whispered something. Sensei then looked at me and stood up.

"Uraraka" Sensei announced.

"Yes Sensei!" standing up from my chair.

"Kayama-sensei has something to tell you so please come with her."

"Alright sir."

I walked towards Sensei feeling a little bit eerie from their aura. Kayama-sensei led me to the door and into the hallway until we reached a part where there's no one to hear us.

"You see dear, we received a call from your mother 15 minutes ago. It seems like your father was in an accident. His car crashed on the way to his business meeting and is now admitted in Vancouver General Hospital. Your mom is on the way there as we speak, that is why she informed us to tell you this, so that you wouldn't worry as much."

Dad was in an accident? I couldn't find myself to say any words.


"Are you alright dear?" looking at me quite worriedly.

He's okay right? Nothing's going to happen to dad. I know it. But why is mom going there in such a hurry? I feel my emotions well up.

"He'll be okay dear." She continued, giving me an assuring smile.

I simply nod as a response. I have to hold back my tears. I can't just start crying here.

"Alright. You should go back to your room. You only have an hour left anyway."

"Thanks Sensei." I finally said.


I made my way back to the classroom all alone. I still couldn't stop thinking about my dad. I slid the door open and went inside.

"Ochaco-chi! Is everything alright?" Mina-chi jumping at me the moment I entered.

"Oi! Class is still-

"What did Sensei say?" she continued without minding Aizawa-sensei at all.

He just sighed in defeat and went back on his cocoon.

"Is everything alright Ochaco-chan?" Asui-san added.

"Well... it seems like my dad got into an accident in Canada."

"WHAT?!" Mina, Asui, Iida, and Kirishima-kun blasted.

"Are you alright Ochaco-chi?!" said Mina-chi.

"What did the hospital say?!" said Kirishima-kun.

"How did it happen?!" said Asui-san.

"Was it villains?" said Iida-kun.

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