By the Window

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Chapter 9

"Before you leave for the day a couple of reminders. Our call time for tomorrow is 5:30 AM. Bring your own breakfast because it's quite a long trip. Tell your parents about this training camp. Also, DON'T bring your Hero Costume."



"Excuse me?"

A couple of remarks and gasps had filled the air across the room from the announcement that sensei just made. We had a couple of training camps or field trips in our class and one statement remained constant, "have your costume."

Except now.

"What do you mean sensei?" Jiro-san said.

"You'll find out when we get there. Class dismissed." Aizawa sensei said frigidly.

"Well that was new." I whispered to Iida-kun.

Iida-kun immediately sprang out of his seat, "No need to doubt! Our sensei knows what he is doing!" putting his fisted right hand on his chest.

Our class got quiet for a second then everyone just went back on their business.

Patting Iida-kun in his shoulder "Yeah, yeah Iida, we got it hehehehe." Kirishima-kun said while passing through.

I stealthily looked at Bakugo-kun beside him thinking he might say something but only ended up in disappointment when he didn't even bother looking. I shifted my gaze on the side of my seat to pick up my bag and get ready to leave. I didn't even notice that I was just shuffling my things round and round wishing that he was long gone and I didn't have to catch up to him when I get on the end of the hall to the dormitory. I mean why am I even thinking about that? Catching up to him? Looking at him? Why am I thinking of the most unnecessary things when it comes to him? I can catch up to him! I mean he's my classmate and we live in one dormitory. We literally use the same steps and the same road so why am I thinking too much about this?

I let out a big sigh.

"You're crazy."

"I don't think you're crazy Uraraka-san"

"Wha-Ah Iida-kun!" I swiftly looked around the classroom and noticed that none of my classmates were present even Deku-kun.

"You okay?"

"Where is everybody?" I asked despite knowing the answer.

"Well they already went back, I think that the others are going home to inform their parents about the upcoming Training Camp while the others I'm not really sure." He said smiling. He looked like he was so ready to leave. His bag on his shoulder and standing upright as to already lead me out of class.

"Did you notice Deku-kun?"

"Well you already said goodbye to him"

"I did?! When?!" Am I talking without consciousness now?

"Earlier he came up to you and was about to tell you something, I guess, but what was immediately cut off when you suddenly slammed your fist in your table."

"I did what?!" putting both of my hands in my cheeks.

"Well he thought that maybe you were thinking about something and decided that it might be for the best to just leave you alone for the day. He just told me to take care of you."

"Omygosh!" I slump back at my seat holding my face with the palm of my hands completely embarrassed.

What in the world am I doing?

"You know" he slowly pulled back his chair and sat down, "something seems to be bothering you." He continued.

I took a peek on him not sure if I can really open things up to him. Well this is Iida-kun we are talking about. Responsible, generous, kind, charismatic. I don't think there would be any problems at all. I let out a deep sigh and combing my hair back through my fingers.

Silence (A Kacchako Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang