Chapter 24

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Let me catch u up on some stuff

So tony and me are still dating and we love eachoher so much the past two months have been crazy we have went places together and had sex a few times well that might be a lie lets just say all most everyday we been going to school and ive made friends and all the people that used to be mean to me had appologised but jessica is still a little bitch and is "jelous" of me well thats what tony says but i dont get what there is to be jelous of about me. Me and tony are still part of the hype house and i had become even closer ot everyone and there like family to me. I also growed my tiktok career and now i have more followers than charli and shes not happy about that but anyways tiktoks my life.

It was another school day and i woke up to my alarm clock ringing again i swear to god the sound of the alarm clock haunts me

"good morning babe"i say as tony wakes up

We got out of bed and took a shower of course me and tony took a shower together cause now everything we do is together and its unbelievable we got dressed and i straightened my hair and tony just did what he does every morning. We head downstairs to have breakfast but we had no idea what to eat so tony said lets go get breakfast from outside i agreed and i grabbed my school bag and headed out. I got in the car and we decided to go in my car sinse i wanted to drive we then got to the place were we were going to get breakfast from we head inside and ordered some pancakes after we finished we headed to school.

"Hey nessa"i said as we got inside of school

"hey mads"she said

Oh yeah and if i haven't mentioned alreday me and nessa are friends now and shes dating josh from the sway house so thats cool

"wassup bro"josh said giving tony a bro hug

"wassup"he said as they pulled out of the hug

The bell rang so we went into class. I had become one of them popular kids at school and everyone wanted to be friends with me but i only was friends with some people cause the others only wanted to use me for clout sinse i was famous. I sat down and so did tony and jessica was on the other side of tony. Tony and jessica had started talking and they are friends now but me and jessica just dont get along so we arent friends but it kind of annoyed me the fact that tony was friends with her but i tried not to show it and forget about it. As i was doing my work i had realised tony and jessica were talking and i could tell jessica was flirting with tony i wanted to say something but i didnt cause i didnt want to be that girl that gets jelous if her boyfriend talks to other girls. Jessica was still flirting with tony and it hurt like hell then tony asked if he could go to the toilet and our teacher said he could go then a few mins later jessica asked if she could go i started getting abit suspicious that they left at the same time so i couldnt help but ask if i could go to the toilet and there it was i saw jessica and tony kissing right infront of my eyes and it wasnt one of those she kissed me and i pulled away they were kissing for a few seconds after they pulled out of the kiss tony turned around and saw me and i was crying my eyes out

"WTF TONY LOPEZ"i screamed as i just pushed past them and i could see the smirk on jessicas face

"mads wait"tony said

"GET AWAY FROM ME"i said still crying as i got into my car and drove of and headed back home i opened the door and ondreaz was there downstairs sitting on the couch

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