Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm clock ringing it was time for me to get up for school i litterally never cared about my life cause it is so fucked up i didnt care about my hygiene or what i wared i got out of bed and went up to my closet and threw on some simple sweatpants with a sweatshirt. After I got read i went downstairs to eat breakfast i got a bowl and poured in the milk first then the cereal my life was so messed up that i didnt care if i put the milk first (Im sorry i had to say that dont hate me tho btw i NEVER IN MY LIFE WOULD PUT MILK IN THE BOWL FIRST) anyways so i finished my breakfast and went out and locked the door behind me and headed to school(btw she lives 5 mins away from her school so she just walked there also i forgot to mention but she lives in LA). When i arrived to school i got up to my locker and grabbed out my books for my first lesson wich was english i heard the bell ring so i headed to my class and sat at my desk then i heard the school bully jessica yell from behind the class "ugh look who it is madison the little rat" but i just didnt say anything back cause at this point i didnt even care so i just sat there staring at the desk until i felt something hit my head then i turned around only to see a book on the floor behind me and jessica and all the other kids laughing and then she said "u deserved that" i turned around and looked down at my desk and then heard a voice ive never heard before say leave her alone at this point tears built up in my eyes and then i ran out the class (do u know how when some one says leave her alone as a joke for attention to get everyone to laugh if u know what i mean). I bearly ever look back at the class cause if i did even for one second jessica would say to me "who u looking at" so I didn't know who the person that said that was but I didn't even care tbh. I ran into the toilet and locked the door behind me i could hear foot steps following me but i didnt care then i heard a knock on the door and i heard a soft voice "say open the door pls"
I was really upset that's I could use a  person to cry on to there shoulder so i didnt care who it was and opened the door and he just hugged me after a few seconds i pulled out of the hug and said

"but why"

"but why what" he said

"why u acting so nice to me evryone hates me"

"hate is a strong word to use" he said

"im sorry not trying to be rude but do i know u" i said in a voice trying not to be rude

"oh im sorry i forgot to introduce my self but im tony" he said and smiled at me

i smiled back and said "i think im gonna go now nice metting u" i said as i turned around about to walk out when i felt a soft hand grab my wrist and turn me around and at that moment i was staring into his dark hazelnut brown eyes what seemed like for ever

"i didnt get ur name"tony said

"my names Madison"i say smiling at him

"come with me im gonna take u somewhere" he says taking my hand and walking me to the parking lot

"what about school"i say

"forgot school we arent going back into that class with a bunch of snakes and u need a brake"he says while opening the car door for me to get in

"Thank u again tony i really needed to get out of there"

"no problem im always here if u need anything"he said

then i just thought to myself why would some one as good looking as tony even talk to me- oh shit i just called him good looking do i have a crush on him maybe i might have a little crush but i cant let him see that and beside we have just met

the car ride was pretty much silent until tony pulled up in to canes

"omg this is my fav place"i said getting excited

"me to canes always cheers someone up"he said

"true" i say hopping out of the car"

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