"In the meantime," Dumbledore smiles, painfully and blissfully unaware, "we should examine a different aspect of the prophecy. If you all can remember, Sybil prophesied that Miss Mikaelson would be our savior, I believe?"

They all turn to Trelawney, who shrugs with wide, oblivious eyes. She still can't remember a single word she had said that fateful night.

Snape huffs and pulls out his transcript of the prophecy he had taken, swiftly catching everyone's attention. He reads, "Only their union can truly free us from Merlin's wrath, and the great evil's heir shall become the wizarding world's savior."

His words linger between them all as no one speaks up, unsure of what to make of that or what to even say.

"It is getting fairly late," Dumbledore acknowledges, nearly a minute later. "I'll leave you all with this..."

"What is Miss Mikaelson saving us from?"

Or who, Snape tacks on in the private comfort of his mind.

The next day, Hope Mikaelson finds herself standing between two bookshelves, her eyes on the group of Gryffindors and a single Slytherin sitting at a table towards the back of the large library.

She had been watching the muggleborn brunette of the group for the past ten minutes, a small smile glued to her lips no matter how much she had tried to fight it off.

The reason?

Last night, Josie Saltzman and her had agreed that they would try at this, and although Josie had rejected her marriage proposal and given Hope the ring back, the pureblood can't be disappointed about it in any way. Especially since she now knows that Josie feels the same as she does—that Josie loves her, too.

This is exactly what she had always wanted, after all.

To add, her day is going great. She had woken up early without feeling tired even though she had spent much of her night awake, Josie had smiled at her from the Gryffindor table, and now Hope is looking forward to their detention alone together.

The pureblood is so consumed with her thoughts that she doesn't notice the muggleborn stand up from her seat at the table nor does she notice how the girl quietly makes her way over to where she is.

"You punched Jade?!" A voice hisses just behind Hope, and she spins around so quickly that she almost collides into Josie.

Hope frowns, forgetting that she actually had punched Jade last night. The event means so close to nothing to her that she can barely remember right.

"She told you?" Hope furrows her eyebrows, trying not to inappropriately rake her eyes up and down Josie's legs, which are exposed by the skirt pulled high up her hips. Her hair is so pretty, too, and Hope's eyes linger dangerously. "What a snitch."

Josie rolls her own eyes, grabbing Hope's arm and dragging her to a more isolated, hidden aisle. Hope doesn't know exactly why, since no one could have seen them where they were standing before.

"You're going to apologize to her," Josie all but orders, leaning into Hope's side as she basically shoves her against the end of a tall shelf. Hope scowls.

"No. I won't." She attempts not to laugh, knowing it'll only infuriate Josie further. "She deserved it."

"That doesn't matter," Josie sighs, her eyes falling shut as she pinches the bridge of her nose. Hope reaches out and places a soothing hand on Josie's arm, but drops it as Josie snaps her eyes open to glare at her. "You might get in trouble! If she goes to a professor, she could get you expelled."

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