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(Brittany Murphy and Anna Nicole Smith are squeezing the pumps of their pants laughing at the fart noises the pants are making, they're pants expanding to the size of a diaper, they start acting like babies, saying "goo-goo, gah, gah", babbling, cooing, and fake-crying "wah")

Bernie: (inflates his pants) Ooh, shiver me trousers!

Annoyed, Kelly grabs a beach ball and bangs her head repeatedly on it.

Chyna: Hey, stop! (She pulls Kelly's beach ball away from her face to stop her from slapping herself) Okay, guys, let me explain the rules. This game is called 'Inflatable Pants'. Inflate and deflate your pants as you race each other, and be the first to pass each net. Inflate your pants to rise, let them deflate to sink. Pass each net first for maximum points. Also, you'll have to avoid obstacles such as sand castles and beach balls. As difficulty increases, the nets are increasingly placed more closely to each other. The rising and falling sequences are also trickier.

Kelly: Oh, I get it, now. 

Chyna: Pointers! The game will force you to go up and down constantly, especially towards the end, so it's best to stay towards the middle unless you need to change your vertical position. There are 73 nets, and the last net can give you up to 300 points, so 7500 points is the maximum score you can get.

Billy raises the flag. "On your mark, get set, go!"

Background music:

And they're off, Marilyn skyrockets through the track leaving the other 21 competitors in the dust. The others try to catch up. "I don't wanna lose," Heath whines as he hits a palm tree. "That's gonna hurt tomorrow." Then a bell rings telling them to go faster and the objects and nets get closer to each other. "That's awfully quick," Cory says. "No pain, no gain," says Farrah as she's now in first place. Anna's pants almost stop working for a second but they inflate again. "Wow! Wheee!" She hits a volleyball net. "Fish-paste!" Cory hits a sand castle and falls to the ground. "That'll leave a mark." Another bell rings telling them to go faster and the objects move closer to each other than before. 

Heath: Oh no! Even faster

Robin: Faster!? NO!

Brittany: (passes a net first) YEAH!

Robin is in second place. "Yay!" He hits a net along with Heath and they fall to the ground. "Tartar sauce," grumbled Robin. Brittany and Natasha pass by. Natasha passes a net first. "Yay!" "Whoo-hoo!" A beach ball hits Natasha and Brittany. "Watch my head, jerk!" "Ouch." It passes over to Paul and hits his head. "Agh! Why is this happening!" Patrick is in first place again and passes the finish line, followed by Marilyn (2nd) and Cory (3rd). "Sweet victory!" "Rats," Alan (in last place) grumbles in the background.

Later, the contestants are now at the second part of this audition.

Chyna: Okay, contestants, listen up. This next game is called 'Weights on my Back', this one requires you to collect weights and help your lifter to lift them up. Collect weights to match the patterns that are listed on this board in front of you. (Red, Green, Blue, and multicolored) Put the weight on the bar and make the same patterns as your partner, then stand in your zone when the pattern is complete. When your arrow points to the green zone on this board, then press the button, then the lifter will be able to lift the weights up. But if you're in the red, your lifter will either drop it or tip over. Pointers. As difficulty increases, the marker moves more quickly and blinks more to make it harder for you to put it in the green zone. 

Billy: There are only seven weights of a color out at a time, so if both teams are trying to do the green, blue, or red weight sets at the same time, only one will be able to complete the task. If this happens, try to be the first team to get four weights of the same color.

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