Chapter 2 There's your answer

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I woke up to Adam playing with my hair. I got right up when I remembered we're going to find out if we're on the team or not. We walked downstairs and my grandmother was making breakfast. She always told me that I look so much like my mom. Adam and I ate, my grandfather walked into the dinnering room and told us that we made the team. We immediately hugged and thanked my grandfather. Adam said I acted girlier than he's ever seen so I punched his arm. We went rollerblading into town for a bit and saw some District 5 players from last year pulling another prank on someone. We decided to the park near by with a pond but that was one District 5 was practicing on. We talked and watched they're "practice". When a limo showed up we started walking away but the guy said something Gordon Bombay, why does that sound so familiar. We decided to get our ice skates and take them to Hans Hockey Shop to get them sharpen. I knew that Hans and Jans knew my dad before he left me. I was pretty close to them probably because they're all I have from my dad's side. When we got there I started talking to Hans about that guy.
You: Hey Hans do you know someone named Gordon Bombay some guy was talking about him and it-
Hans: Sounded familiar, Gordon Bombay Hawks star of 1993, you probably read that news article and forgot
You: Oh okay
We got our skates sharpened then went to the pond closer to our houses.
You: Adam, do you think that Gordon guy could be my father
Adam: I don't know Y/n why don't you ask your grandmother you know she's willing to tell you, if-
You: If my grandfather isn't around I know I know I just want to know why he left
Adam: I get it I'd want to know too if it were me and you're my best friend if you care then I have to too
I pushed Adam a bit and he ended up falling and he pulled me down with him. I ended up on top of him with my head on his chest. I got off of him and quickly skated away laughing but when he didn't move I skated to him slowly. I called his name 2 or 3 times with no response. I don't know what to do since we just learned about cpr in school so I decided to give him cpr. After the second time a hand when behind my head and Adam kissed me. I quickly pulled away to Adam laughing his ass off so I slapped him.
You: What the hell was that
Adam: You should've heard yourself, Adam Adam please wake up oh I have an idea which was stupid by the way
You: Well I didn't know what to do I panicked okay and why the hell did you kiss me
Adam: To scared you and technically you kissed me first
You: Whatever let's just go home it's getting late
Adam: Whatever you say lighting
We went to his house and went into hot tub in the backyard. It was freezing out so walking to it was torcher. We started splashing each other until Adam grabbed my and picked me up by my waist.
Adam: Are you done splashing me
You: Yes now put me down
He put me down but still had his hands on my waist keeping me close. He looked me in the eye, then my lips, then my eyes again, and started leaning in looking back at my lips. He almost kissed me until his dog ran into the backyard scaring him causing him to move away. I couldn't help but laugh by how scared and embarrassed he was but why the hell was he trying to kiss me. Is it possible he likes me even though it was HIS idea of vowing to never like each other more than best friends. We decided to go back in after the incident, changed into the clothes we wear to bed and ate something in his fridge for dinner. After we ate, we went to the living room and watched Full House and talked.
You: Adam question
Adam: Y/n answer
You: Why did you kiss me and try to kiss me again today
Adam: I don't know why do you always kiss my cheek
You: Because you're my best friend
Adam: And there's your answer
We started getting tired to we cuddled up next to each other for support to stay awake. Even though it never works, it just became a habit. I was drifting off into sleep when I heard Adam say I love you Y/n I wish never made that stupid vow. Before I process any of it, I fell asleep.

To Be Continued...

Coach Riley's Granddaughter-Adam BanksOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz