🥀Class 1A X Reader🥀

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Edited: X
Word count: 1570 (ish)
Sumamry: (Y/N) is a bubbly girl who is friends with almost everyone in Class 1A (looking at you, Mineta). But recently her bubbly personality turned into sadness and she became more reserved. Class 1A has no idea on why this has happened.

This is also mainly bakugo x reader ;-;


I feel the sun gaze across my face, i turn my head over to see my alarm clock. Its read 6:00, its was going to go off in 15. My eyes and feel felt heavy, I unplugged my alarm and walked to the girls restroom and brushed my teeth. 
I looked at my phone, the screen had a large crack in it. Ever since I got that stupid text…

That text destroyed everything.

--flashback for an explanation--

My phone vibrated showing a text from an unknown number. I just got out of class, I was planning to go get boba with some of the girls from UA. I unlocked my phone and my heart sank, disbelief washed over my body.

Hello (Y/N) (L/N), we have information that your residence has been burned down. We are currently tending to (foster/mother) and (little brothers/name)
When available please seek to the (hospital name) right away

Thank you for your time.

I felt my body start to shake, warm tears started to stream down my cheeks. I ran to the road and waved in a cab to take me to (hospital name). As soon as I arrived I went to my little brothers room. 

I grabbed his hand, his body was limp and his skin was cool. Tears kept streaming down and my throat felt like it had 100 needles in it, screaming out in pain. 

--end of flashback--

I haven't felt anything since last week, (little brother) is in critical condition, (mother's name) is still in a coma. 

I walked back to my dorm and put on my uniform, I put my hair into a (bun/pony/Bobby pin) to make myself look somewhat presentable. I opened and closed my door. I didn't feel like interacting with anyone right now.  I really hope no one comes up to me.

"Hey! (Y/N)"

Amazing, spectacular, fantastic

My face paled, I looked up to see Denki, waving his phone in my face trying to show me something.

Denki, Denki is such a sweetheart, but holy shit he is dumb. And that's getting on my nerves, because he doesn't get the hint to leave me alone.

"Check this out-"

"No thank you" I sneered

"Yo what's up with you? Did someone eat your cereal or something?"

I felt my blood boil, I cant take his stupidity right now. I ignored him and finally got out the door. Without anyone else bothering me.

-Denkis POV-

I felt myself pout, normally (Y/N) would laugh and we would go into a full conversation about it. "Geee she is really pissed"

I turned to see Mina, "yeah? Uhh what's with her?" I walked up to her failing  my arms out "shes been a real meanie for a while now"

"I wonder what happened…." She paused

"Let's figure it out! Detective Ashido is on the scene!"

I laughed as we walked into the lounging area.

"Yo! Does anyone know why (Y/N) is… how do I put this"

"Being a huge bitch" That's bakugo. Who else 

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