She often wondered if her sister was as bad as Olumide when it came to speaking Yoruba language.

Inter tribal marriage breeds enough work

"I am only doing this because you're my ally and because you've told your sister about it. I dey fear am sometimes... But don't tell her.

Remember if you need anything.. Anything at all, I'm just a phone call away. And keep that your fine self well for our traditional marriage, I'm going to show you off to my friends "

Everything went well after that, her uncle Nnamdi received a phone call from Olumide who claimed that he decided to spoil his sister in law to be, after her visit in Lagos.

She could tell her aunt was not too pleased, but it was either Olumide or Onyedikachi and she chose the former.

Onyedikachi and Obanma set out to purchase meat afterwards. He ended up buying more than she needed, earning rounds of skin piercing glares.

"I'm hoping to take some to my place, you're just going to serve as my cook" He objected with a smile which didn't stop Obanma from lightly smacking his back.

He ended up carrying all the items they bought while they made their way to her place. Obanma had relinquished all with hopes of annoying him but he seemed to quite enjoy the task.

They entered the apartment after Onyedikachi paid off the caretaker for reasons she could not quite fathom.

Her room was quite cozy, Kelechi had insisted on it bearing a beige color because it was her favorite, Obanma didn't mind since her favorite colors were in the lines of grey, red and black. Colors one wouldn't want to have on their walls.

Their self contained apartment, bearing a mini kitchen adjacent the bedroom and bathroom with a toilet opposite the bedroom.

Obanma had left designing the bedroom wholly to Kelechi, who had pictures of Justin Bieber on almost every corner of the room. Their books and textbooks were neatly placed in a rack at the foot of their bed. A large mirror was hung beside the bathroom where Kelechi spent minutes staring at her face everyday.

Chijioke had bought her a home theater while her adanne provided her laptop which functioned mostly as her television.

Kelechi's laptop also laid beside hers, their boxes at the foot of the bed, beside a large make up box which kelechi used to practice her make up art. All placed neatly beneath their wardrobe.

Enlarged pictures of them during their matriculation ceremony hung boldly and  directly above the headboard, each capturing their happiness clothed in a very large school gown with caps on their head. Teddy bears were littered on the neatly dressed bed owing to Kekechi's obsession with them.

Onyedikachi waited patiently while Obanma unlocked the door to the room. They stepped in after removing their shoes. He stepped forward, making his way to the kitchen to drop the items in his hands.

His habit of washing his hands followed  afterwards then he joined a very stunned Obanma in the room.

"How did you get all these into my room?" She pointed disapprovingly at the items on her bed, ranging from clothes to shoes.

The way her hands were fitted on her hip like an angry housewife only amused Onyedikachi as he approached her. He could not tell if she was more beautiful when she was upset or when she smiled.

"I thought you said you just came and don't lie because I know it wasn't Kelechi who bought these overly expensive clothes... besides she has been in school all day." She began to pace around the room while Onyedikachi sat comfortably on the bed staring at her

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