Unwanted Life

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Waking up to another day
you might ruin again

Don't think about yesterday
Think about today

You tell yourself this every day
To make you feel better

You dress in clothes
that make people think your ok

Don't think about yesterday
think about today

You get into the car

Don't think about yesterday
Think about today

You get to school
You hear kids whispering
"Bitch,slut, hoe"

Ignore it, ignore it,ignore it

But you can't ignore it forever

You get to your locker
You find a note

"Go die in a hole"

Don't cry
Whatever you do don't cry

Don't let it get to you

The bell rings
Time to go to class

You find another note
"Go away forever "

Don't cry
Whatever you do don't cry

You go to the bathroom
Don't cry don't cry
But you can't hold it in anymore

You stay in there the whole day
Crying about everything

No one is worried about you
Except your best friend that left you so their reputation isn't ruined

The end of the day

But you hear your parents fighting
And it's about you

You told them about everything
The notes, the crying and the words

You can't take it anymore
So you escape this world where no one likes you

The next day

You don't wake up
You have no pulse

You hear people crying
You wonder why

You notice that you're in a coffin
But you feel free, alone but most of all you feel regret

You made people cry
You didn't want to make people cry

You look at everyone
You see your best friend
She tells you sorry for everything but she was too late.

Call this number if you need help don't be afraid because it's never too late
Suicide hotline

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