The only thing he's really losing here is... me

Start from the beginning

"Really?" He asked in shock.

"Yeah, once we got back from America I think we saw each other once before it all went to shit again. I was still a bit iffy about everything but it was nice, for once." I sighed. "Then the next time I saw him there wasn't an ounce of him in the room that screamed sober."

"I don't know what to fucking do." George put his head in his hands.

"What can we do? He still functions and does his job." I shrugged. "The only thing he's really losing here is... me." George looked up with the saddest look in his eyes.

"And you're okay with that?" He frowned.

"Of course not but like I said, I can't do anything about it and I honestly don't think he even cares at this point." I said feeling defeated.

"We will fix this, I promise you Alyssa I'm going to find a way to fucking sort him out." George tried to sound reassuring but it fell flat pretty quickly, probably because he realised himself that it was an impossible task.

I picked up the bottle of Vodka that was still sitting on the counter from last night, there was about a mouthful left so I chucked it down my throat, barely wincing from the burn. It was almost a nice little wake up call for me. Although I was probably still drunk from a few hours ago before I finally fell asleep, it didn't matter much anyway. This was just how it came to be now.

It would take everything in my power to get through this day. One that I'd be dreading for the past 2 weeks, especially since I've barely seen my friends in weeks. I took one last look around the flat, making sure I'd gotten everything I needed before I was late for my flight.


Glasgow isn't the most glamorous place in the world but the accents were cool. That's something I learned after the first tour I went on, which feels like a lifetime ago at this point. But alas, I was back in a city that was close enough to home but still so fucking far away. Nessa agreed to meet me at the airport, thankfully. I didn't really want to do this alone, especially since my anxiety was building up from the stories she'd told me while on tour with the guys.

Finding her in the arrivals lounge wasn't too hard, the airport wasn't the biggest. When you've flown from Heathrow more times than you've even stepped on a bus at this point, it makes any airport feel tiny. "Alyssa!" She called out the second she saw me.

I walked over to her and she engulfed me in a hug. "Hi, how are you doing?" I asked her.

"Alright, bit hungover but what's new?" She chuckled. "You look rather radiant for someone who's been up all night drinking."

"Well you see, it's hard to be hungover when you barely even sleep." I grinned back at her.

"You've not changed much, have you?" She rolled her eyes.

"You act like we've not seen each other in years, it's only been 2 weeks Ness." I laughed.

"2 weeks on a tour bus round Europe in the height of summer has the capacity to feel like 2 years." She shot back.

"Yeah you're right." I nodded. "Can we get out of here, I need a drink."

"Alcoholic or?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Coffee for now." I said.

"Right well let's grab a Starbucks then head on over to the festival." She nodded towards the Starbucks in the corner.

"Sounds like a plan." I grinned.



AM I YOURS? // MATTY HEALY.Where stories live. Discover now