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This world is beautiful

Ashlie stared at the stones underneath her. She was walking along with the guards dragging her, falling slightly behind due to her short child legs.

The crowd was loud. Most were silent. The rest were yelling out of anger. Ashlie knew it was because she was just a child. A child being accused of witchcraft.


Ashlie looked over. A young jester was fighting his way through the crowd, trying to over power the guards that held him.

"Jon." Her young voice echoed through the castle yard. "Don't fight them. It's too late for that."

"But you're not a witch!" Jon cried, "you don't study magic. You're only 12!"

Ashlie smiled sadly at him. If only he was right. The guards dragged her up to the stake and tied her to it. Her small arms didn't even fit around to full thing.

"Father! We should rethink this."

Ashlie's gaze moved from Jon to the man walking towards her. The king.

"Father please!" The prince exclaimed, trying to convince the man, "Ashlie's only a kid. She's only just a year older then me!"

"Nick." The king growled. "Witchcraft is still witchcraft."

He glared at Jon. "Control you're friend."

Nick stared at his father with tear full eyes. He ran over to Jon and took his hand, whispering to the taller boy. Jon stopped fighting and stared up at Ashlie. The boys didn't want her to die.

Ashlie stared at the king. He returned the stare before calling out in a loud voice.

"This girl has been found to be a witch!" He exclaimed, "So she shall be persecuted as one!"

He took a torch and threw it into the kindle by Ashlie's feet. It immediately caught fire. Ashlie felt the flames start to grow. She looked up and smiled at the sunset sky.

The flames swirled around her. The sounds of the angry crowd faded away. All of Ashlie's senses turned towards the sky.

Her voice grew as she spoke her last words. Her last curse.

"You shall forever live in fear of the curse you've created. You shall never forget what you've forgotten on this day!"

"You will wish you had not let anger cloud your judgement! You shall be cursed, for you have forgotten!"


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