"Wh—where? Are you leaving?" I bit my lip and tried to stand up, hands pushed me back down.

"Isa and I are taking an anniversary trip." Madalena said. Her eyes kept jumping all over my body like I might start bleeding profusely from some hidden injury.

"What about the party?" My breath was finally catching up to me. I lifted my hands to reach an itch at my brow.

"We've decided to leave before going, Grimm said it was alright anyway." Madalena pursed her lips. "Soot, what happened, you're clean—" she flinched at her own words, "—you're chained. I was going to send for you to get you ready in a few minutes but—"

I looked down at my hands. They were cleaner than normal. My hair was its natural white. I looked very much not myself. "I was being shown." My words were so quiet.

"What? I didn't—"

"I was being shown."

"Shown what?" Madalena, goddess she was so thick. Did she really have to make me say it aloud.


"I—Soot I don't understand."

"Lena—" Isa interrupted. She placed a hand on her mates shoulder.

I heard a gasp of understanding come from Sara who had wandered closer. "Oh Soot, child."

Madalena furrowed her brow. "I—"

"It doesn't matter. I just need to see Grimm."
I couldn't tell her, she was leaving for an anniversary trip. She was supposed to spend time with her mate. I knew she would stay if she knew. I caught Sara's eyes then Isa's, I tried to show them without words that they couldn't voice their thoughts. Madalena didn't need to know. It had been a small meltdown, I had been selfish and not even thought before speaking. It didn't need to affect her.
I looked back to Madalena. "Please, I need to see him."

Her face bloomed into a smile. "Well let's get you dressed then!"

I held up my hands in a gesture meant to stop her but she only saw my chins. "No, Lady Madalena—"

"Just Madalena's. Or have you learned nothing?" She smirked and stood up.

"I can't go. You don't understand." I moved to stand again but she held a hand up in my direction.

"I understand that until Isa magicks those shackles off of you we won't be able to get your clothes on. I had this suit sewn especially for you, you cannot refuse."

I didn't. I couldn't. I had to see Grimm and if this was the only way.

Isa's hands moved too quick for me to catch what they did but soon they were pulling the shackles away from my wrists. The three women moved like magic. My face was wiped of tears, my wrists soothed with balm. Madalena began on my hair with the help of Sara. I fought when Madalena asked to put cosmetics on my face and she withdrew with a gentle look from Isa.

Soon it was time to change. Getting out of my pants was always a struggle but I made it more difficult on myself when I insisted on holding Grimm's ring tight in my fingers. When Madalena asked what it was I was so attached to I showed her and explained. Her eyes had softened and she went to get a little ribbon, instead of snatching it away like I might have expected of anyone else, and tied it around my wrist.

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