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New Yorkers were rude, that's the first lesson Malfoy learned upon his arrival. After getting out of the airport, he called for a taxi. Though when it pulled up, two teenage girls got right in. Draco's jaw dropped at what had just happened, and looked around. It took him 45 minutes to get a taxi, and even longer to get to his apartment. It was only 1:15 in the afternoon, and New York's streets were overloaded. His phone buzzed, and Harry had sent him a text message. He would answer it once he got to his temporary home.

The taxi pulled up in front of a grand old building. Thirty Park Place, luxury apartments. Draco grinned, paying the taxi driver. He walked inside the doors and grinned even wider. He grabbed a map of the area, and cleared his throat. The front desk man smiled a toothy smile. "Welcome to Thirty Park Place, luxury apartments. What's your name?" he asked. "Draco Malfoy." Draco answered, looking at the busy Americans around him. You're on floor 24, apartment 24! Funny, huh?" the guy said, handing Draco his key. Draco's eyebrows furrowed and he nodded.

He took the elevator up to his floor, and opened the door to his room. Draco's jaw dropped as he looked at the view. He walked into the living room and kitchen that was as big as his whole flat back in London. To his left was a bedroom and an attached bathroom. What the boy couldn't get over, was the view. He walked out onto the balcony and looked around, laughing. 

"Hermione, you are brilliant!" he yelled into the phone, taking in the view. "I'm guessing you like it?" she giggled, chewing. She gave a thumbs up to Ron, and Ron smiled.

"It's absolutely amazing! I cannot believe what I am looking at right now! It's bloody cold, though!" Draco laughed in the sudden cold, and he stepped back inside. Hermione and Ron laughed. "Well, I'm glad. Make sure to call Harry." Hermione says, hanging up. Draco smiled at his phone and plopped down onto the couch. He looked at the map, and found the library he was working for. New York Public Library-New Amsterdam Library. It wasn't even a 20 minute walk!

The phone rang twice before Harry answered. "Draco! How's America? What time is it?" Harry asked enthusiastically. "It's brilliant. I did not give them enough credit. It's nearly 2, and it's seven there?" Draco replied, the grin not leaving his face. "Brilliant! Heard it's bloody cold though." Harry answered. Opening his arm up as Ginny sat next to him. He kissed his wife's head as Draco answered. "Just like home, but no snow yet." Draco had told him. "Well, Mr. Malfoy, what are you going to do now?" Harry asked, smiling. "I'm gonna go to the library! Bye, Harry." Draco hung up. Harry sat frozen, slowly taking his phone away from his ear. "The library?" he questioned.

Draco dragged his trunk to his room, placing it onto his bed. He opened it up and grabbed his long coat. It was traditional, and he had seen many others wearing it here. It had six buttons on the front, and went down to his calves. He put his scarf on, leaving the jacket unbuttoned. He grabbed water from the mini fridge and walked out his door. Careful to lock his apartment, he headed out into the afternoon. It was sunny, and he laughed softly. He put his sunglasses on and began walking. His eyes were wide and peeled for anything suspicious.

When he reached the library, he opened the door and took off his scarf and glasses. "Just one minute!" he heard a voice call. It was beautiful, and he nodded slowly. A girl appeared out from behind a shelf. "Hi." she says softly, exasperating a sigh. Draco Malfoy, for the first time in his life, had been dumbfounded by a girl's appearance. "Hi." she said again, flashing Draco a smile. Draco laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his hair. "Hello." he answered. "Oh my goodness, you're British?" she asks, laughing softly.

"My name is Andie Green." she says, sticking her hand out. Draco took it, smiling at her warmth. "Draco Malfoy." he answered. Andie Green was a marvel. She had brownish red hair. She had bangs that covered her forehead. The rest of her head supported breast length wavy hair. By the look of it, her hair was very thick. She was slender, and had a body type similar to Hermione's. There was something about her though, that separated her. She smelled of cherry blossoms and books.

"You're the Draco Malfoy? You start working for us soon." she observed, taking her hand away from Draco's. She smiled again, and Draco let out air at it. It was straight, white, and eye-catching. Her smile complemented her green eyes, and those eyes complemented the freckles that littered her face like confetti. "Yes. Yes I am." Draco answered, clearing his throat. "Checking the place out? I heard from your girlfriend you were just moving." Andie says, putting the group of books onto a shelf. Draco choked and thought of Astoria, his eyes widening. "Who?" he asked, following her.

"A girl named Hermione Granger had called me, I-I just assumed she was your girlfriend." the girl answered, looking at the new stranger. Andie couldn't deny the fact he looked like a movie star. He had bright blue eyes that stood out against his skin. His hair was the middle between blonde and dark blonde. It was parted to the left, and it was neatly combed. His body was slender, but muscular. And he was tall, easily 6'1. She was brought back to Earth when she heard his laugh, which was just as beautiful as he was,

"No, no." Draco said, looking up from his shoes. He licked his plump lips, then kept a smile, looking at Andie. "If anything, she's my sister." he told the girl. Andie laughed and nodded, looking down. SHe shook her head and loaded three more books. "I am so sorry." she apologized, turning to face Draco. "No... it's quite alright." THe two stood with stupid grins until another woman came around the corner.

This woman was African-American, and had black curls surrounding her face. "Andie." she hummed. Andie jumped and turned to see her co-worker. "This is Draco Malfoy, our new co-worker." Andie told her friend. Draco took a hand out of his pocket and stuck it out. "Ah, yes. I am Teresa Turncoat. Nice to meet you Mr. Malfoy." she said, shaking his hand. "Draco, please." Draco responded, giving a small smile. "Well, I just wanted to check it out. I'll be out of your way now. See you ladies Saturday." Draco said, putting his scarf back on.

Andie nodded, watching him leave. "Bye!" Teresa called, to which Draco nodded before disappearing. "Wow. That is the best looking white man I've ever seen in my life." Teresa exclaimed. "And he's British!" Andie giggled like a four year old, and the ladies went back to work. The talk though, was entirely about the new bachelor in town.

If there are any errors like this: 'ROn grinned at his friend.'

Then I greatly apologize! I type very fast, and even after proof reading, I can skip right over it!

-silver eyes :)

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