Mom and dad seem to have kept their arguments to a minimum today, perhaps because it's quite possibly the last time they will ever see their eldest daughter, or maybe it's something else entirely. They wish me luck in the arena, and father tells me not to worry that my District partner is Darius Hadley's son. Because though he may be something of a prince in 2, he still bleeds red like the rest of us.

A sudden image of Cato Hadley with gold running through his veins, resplendent and shining, appears in my head. I shut it out as quickly as it surfaced, a shiver running down my spine, but my father's words are true. When it all comes down to it, what makes us different, really.

Why shouldn't this be my year.

After my parents leave the room, Xavier makes his way inside. I did not expect him here. I thought that he'd be off congratulating my District partner instead, but alas it seems I warrant at least some of his attention. He's a fairly tall man, and though he's dressed up in Reaping finery the bulk of muscle beneath his shirt is obvious.

"I'm sorry, Clove. I didn't expect you to end up on that stage today." My trainer refuses to look at me properly, eyes fixed on the lush grey carpet beneath our feet. It almost matches the colour of Loren's Reaping dress, I notice, and the thought sends an unwanted ripple of something like dread through my veins. I expected her to come in with mom and dad. Maybe something is holding her up, a scuffle outside with one of the girls who wanted to volunteer for me, perhaps?

"He'd been planning it for a long time, but as soon as you were picked I didn't think he'd step up anymore." He adds.

So my sister and I weren't wrong when we thought he was catching one final training session last night – it must have been what they were whispering about as we left. "I thought he might have been." I give nothing else away, but when Xavier steps forward he pulls me into an unexpected hug.

"You are one of the best students I have ever had the honour of teaching, Clove Kentwell." He pulls back and smiles down at me, my shoulders clasped between his broad hands. "And I have no doubt that 2 will bring home a crown this year. Good luck in the arena."

He never specifies who he thinks will be wearing that crown, just turns on his heels and disappears into the hallway. I settle back onto the couch, confused and trying to calm my rapid breathing until finally the door bursts open again and there she is.


"Guess I was wrong about Hadley, huh." She jokes, but her voice is shaky and there's no hint of the usual wide smile on her face. Her cheeks are covered in the glitter eyeshadow she so painstakingly applied to her lids this morning. All of that - putting on makeup back home in our night and day bedroom - feels like a million years ago.

But it's the tracks of silver running down her face and the wisps of hair which have come loose from their braided crown that drag me to reality. For the first time in our lives, Loren is easily distinguishable as the little sister.

It's that thought which breaks the barrier. We run to each other without a care, and she wraps her spindled arms around my neck and sobs until I can feel the tears collecting in my collar. I will myself to not break, not break. I can feel myself welling up slowly but surely, and I have to pull free of Loren's grasp before the dam collapses.

I shoot her the best smile I can muster, and it seems to work, however much we both know that it's not real. The corners of her mouth twist upwards, and eventually she joins me on the couch.

"So, I admit it, Hadley might not be crushing on you." She chokes out, but it's still Loren and it still makes me burst into laughter. Then a sudden thought seems to form in her mind. She gasps, flapping her arms and I can see everything I love about my sister that I am not, in that simple gesture. Loren will go far in life, whatever she choses to make of it and even if I am not there by her side.

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