☁️A world☁️

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It was like the gates of heaven were open
And all we felt was bliss
Complete and unconditional euphoria
But then they were closed shut again
And we were left to roam in a world in darkness
With no light
With no end
And where the devil ran free.

A world in which hearts have turned cold
Deceived into believing they have no purpose
A world ruled by greed and hatred
Cursed to hate each other and themselves
A world in which the pure of heart get nothing
Turned away and met with cruelty
A world in which noone and nothing feels real
And a world in which love does not exist.

This is just my take on what I feel the world is becoming. Peoples hearts grow more cruel everyday. People have become mean, judgemental, toxic. Sometimes it feels like the world is suffocating, like it's running out of oxygen. But I think the sad part is it's always been this way, it has just gotten a whole lot more obvious.
There is no need to hate others, to hate yourself. Let go of the resentment and envy that's eating you up inside and flourish with the wind in your hair. Trust me, it feels a whole lot better.

Love you💕

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