"I think that some idiot is going to be an asshole on the road, and kill both my babies," He breathed, and I rolled my eyes, pulling away. He laughed softly and burried a kiss into my neck, making me squeak and blush, jerking away from him. He knew my neck was sensitive; another thing he discovered. 

"I can hold my own against a few angry New York cabbies, Harry. I just really want this job, you know that." I said, trying not to whine, but I knew it'd get me what I'd want. 

Sure enough, after a moment of consideration on Harry's part, he sighed into my skin, pulling back to look down at me. "Fine. Text me when you get there, though. And if anything suspicious happens-" 

"I will call you or Louis immediately, and punch the person in the throat." I said, patronization leaking into my tone. It was his turn to roll his eyes, but he came back with a small smile. "Give me a kiss, and I won't ask you to fill up the tank." 

I smiled and pressed my lips against his in a peck, but it wasn't good enough for him. When I pulled back, his lips were still pursed and he pressed harder into me. ""M not your Aunt, Claire," He jeered. I huffed and put my hands on his chest, the hard muscle warm on my palms as I stretched up to press my lips back to his. 

It was a slow kiss, and I got lost somewhere in it like I always managed to do. His lips were soft and plump and warm and he tasted like mint gum that he was always chomping on, and I could never get enough once he gave in. He was never harsh when he puckered his lips just slightly, our lips slotting together. 

It must have been short, but when we pulled away it was hazy like it always was when he put in all of his effort. His large hands were on my lower back, fingers overlapping, and I licked my lips. "I could ruin you with my lips," He mumbled, and I barely had the time to gasp before he was pressing his mouth on mine again. 

We'd never gone farther than grinding to relieve some of the pressure, which was often because he could never stop and he kissed like the devil. I hummed against his lips before I was pressing him back and off me, depsite his protest and decision to cling to me. 

"I gotta go, Harry. I'll be back in a few," I said breathlessly, choosing to ignore his last words. I was hoping that I wasn't as red as I thought I was, but once glance in the mirror told me I was wrong. I heard Harry laugh as I fought to get out of his arms. "Harry," I whined, dragging out his name. 

He did the same with mine until I pinched his chest, and he squaked and backed off, giving me time to scurry to the bedroom. While I was gathering things into my small bag, Harry came in, rubbing the spot where I'd pinched him. "That hurt." 

"Sorry, but I've got to leave." I said, brushing past him and through the apartment until I was tugging on my boots and searching for my coat. My heart was hammering because I was nervous for this job, and I was also about to keep a secret from Eleanor. 

We decided to keep whatever this was between us quiet around friends and colleagues, only because we didn't know where we stood and we didn't want the drama if anyone got involved. I proposed the idea and Harry was relieved, because he said he'd been thinking about it. 

I shrugged on my coat and made sure I had my scarf before turning to Harry, who was looking less than amused, keys dangling from his finger. "You'll be careful?" He asked, voice low, and I softened. 

"Of course," I said, offering him a smile that seemed to ease his tension. "Want anything for dinner?" I asked, letting him drop the keys in my palm before I straightened my coat out. He shook his head. "We can just do that chicken?" I nodded, a feeling of domesticity settling in. It was a little odd. 

"Alright, I'll see you in a little then." I said, pulling open the door before he took it from me and grabbed my arm. "Good luck," He said, puckering his lips again. After I kissed him goodbye and braced the cool air, I was walking briskly toward the black sleek car. 

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