I stepped forward to block her off as she looked in the other direction I leaned in and whispered into her ear 

"Now why would it be awkward Olivia?" I said in a deep voice, as I said that I could see her shudder 

"Please stop" I heard Olivia whimper a tear escaping her eyes 

"Stop all of this Blake!" she shouted " You  really can't expect me to come running back to you after what you've done to me? You cheated on me Blake! You cheated on me with Elise and after you see me happy without you, you suddenly want to come back into my life and expect me to wait with open arms?!" She threw her arms up in frustration letting her tears and mascara run down her cheeks 

As I went to wipe her cheeks to my surprise she let me, then it sunk in. I felt angry, angry at myself. What have I done to her?

"Baby, Im so sorry" I said hugging her. "I don't know whats gotten over me, one second I was with in a good place with Elise but it didn't feel right, I waited for her to come back into my life when we were younger and when she finally came back it... it didn't feel right" I said truthfully looking her in the eye

" I wanted what I had in the past and neglected what was right in front of me, you're perfect Olivia. I want no one but you" I told her 



What the hell? what the heck did Blake just say? He wants no one but me? huh? 

"I love you Olivia" Blake said and leaned in for a kiss 

"What?.." I mumbled between his lips 

"You didn't hear me?" He asked confused

"No.. I- I uh heard you but one minute I was just yelling at you basically telling you that I wasn't going to accept you and now you say you love me?" That didn't make sense

"Olivia I do mean it... " Blake said, almost pleading with me 

"But you're still dating Elise" I tried to explain to him 

"Look Olivia, Here I am trying to confess my real feelings to you and all you can think about is Elise?" He said frusturated

"Shouldn't i be the one frusturated?!" I spat at him " Its true though Blake, You still have Elise and I don't want to have an affair with someone." I told him

"Wait aren't you dating Peter?" He asked 

"No.. We uh broke up" I told him practically lying, I mean we weren't even dating for god's sake, Blake doesn't even know that Peter's gay

"SERIOUSLY?!" I heard Blake asked happily

"Uhm yeah but that doesn't matter because you're still dating Elise" I told him

" Not for long sweetcakes" he said with a strange smile and with that he dragged me lacing his hand with mine taking me back into the ball room 

I forgot what his hands felt like, rugged from playing football but soft enough for me to be comfortable with it.. 

When we got back into the ball room the party was still in full swing, I spotted Kathy with Liam and Peter and tried to head their way but Blake thought otherwise and dragged me to where Elise was. 

Thankfully Peter and I made eye contact before Blake took me to where Elise was and Peter along with Kathy and Liam were hot on my trail. 

Suddenly we came to a stop, Elise was there talking with her friends 

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