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It's 1919 in London late January and lain in bed is Dylan with Da Vinci as he hugs her, he start to have chills down his snipe, when we looks at his hands, he remembers being in the same position with Da Vinci in WW1.
???: Dylan!.

As he quickly snaps about of it.

Dylan: sir!.
Townsend: Townsend, come on, you guys are missing all the fun.

Both him and Da Vinci follow him.

Now we are in Ribecord, France, fall 1918, it is late in the war as winter draws in, the Germans fortify their lines and dare the enemy to come to them, waves of infantry die crashing against German concrete. The maps do not change. Heavily-armed and we'll-protected, the British Mark.V tank is a fearsome war machine it's clears trenches, it's destroys barbed wire. The tank can break through. On October 17, British forces prepare for a mass assault on the town of Cambrai. With tank support, Allied command believes a breakthrough is a certainty. But the Mark V tank was a major flaw: it's not reliable.

As Dylan and Da Vinci see the main camp and are surprise how war can change technology.

Townsend: I been looking at your papers.
Dylan: Don't worry about us, sir. Me and my sister are ready do to our bit for king and country.
Townsend: look, son. You find forward and reverse when you are told and you will do alright with me. Grabs dose for me would ya.

This makes Da Vinci laugh a bit.

Townsend: and come and meet big Bess, woman of your dreams!.

As the morning fog starts to clear they see in the distance a Mark V tank, in train camp they said they were tractors.

Townsend: find ourselves a new driver and gunner boys.
???: Dylan, Da Vinci?.
Da Vinci: Dolly! I though you were in the Somme.
Dolly: yeah, but I got transferred here, so how my big brother?.
Dylan: not so much.
Dolly: I heard that London got bombed! Is mom and dad okay?.
Dylan: Yes, they are fine only one bomb hit the park.
Dolly: thanks god that no one got injured, we'll I have to go, there's a big assault coming, make sure you don't get your selfs killed.
Da Vinci: will do sister, will do.
Dolly: good, I will see your around.
Dylan: Bye sis, take care.

As Dylan and Da Vinci enters the tank they are surprise how the tank is inside, Dylan walk to we're he is going to see here we will sit to drive the tank, he turns to look at Da Vinci smiling, she blushed as she turns around, she gets scared by the messenger pigeon inside a cage.

Da Vinci:Ahhh! ( she jumps and hit her head on the roof of the tank) Oh! Bloody-.
???: Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't swear, (he puts a hand on the wall of the tank) she doesn't like it when you swear. Who's it going sister.
Da Vinci: Dawkins!( she hugs him).
Dylan: Dawkins! I though you grew a little bit more.
Dawkins: oh, very funny!.
Da Vinci: Dee Dee and Dizzy want me to say hi to you.
Dawkins: well, thanks because I'm starting to missed them.
Dylan: oh, don't worry Dawkins, they are fine just a little bit annoying.
Dawkins: so, you are the new driver? You ain't done this before?.
???: done what before?!.
Dawkins: mind your business, Dante.
Dante: and you are not going to say hi to me?
Dylan: of course I could forget you, I missed when you always said that the end is near.
Dante: yeah, well that the old me! I change I seen the horrors of the trenches, so I forgot that old stuff now, ( he looks at Da Vinci) so I heard you are the new gunner, follow me I show you your spot.

As Da Vinci follows him, Dante shows her how to operate the gun and how to loaded but when she sees to the wall she sees old blood marks, as she starts to get scared, Dylan puts a hand on her shoulder.

Dylan: don't worry, I will protect you no matter what.
Da Vinci: (she blushes) thanks...Dylan.
Townsend: alright boys, this is the big one, our order are to punch through the German line-destroying artillery positions as we go, Dawkins, start her up.
Dawkins: yes sir!.( he says as he starts up the tank).
Townsend: After that, we'll advance on the French town of Cambrai- where I have been assured there is wine, women and song. So you should enjoy that.
Dawkins: ha! Da Vinci won't.

Through mud and blood ( Dylan x Da Vinci)Where stories live. Discover now