Chapter 8

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Mark's P.O.V.
Ryan had made me angry and has stepped out of his bounds. Now maybe I would have let him off with just a black eye or so if he was a well behaved member of the pack and had acted on instinct, or if he didn't know that I liked Jack. But he knew all of this. The whole pack knew I liked Jack, and not only did he go for Jack anyways just to piss me off but he also has tried to fight me for the alpha position multiple times. He also uses women and sometimes other men which is something I do not tolerate. I would have kicked him out of the pack earlier, however his brother convinced me to give him one last chance and I did.
"Ryan, this is the last straw. You disrespected me for the last time." I said an vegan to step closer to him.
"You wanted me out since the beginning. Your just mad that I got to Jack before your pathetic ass had the chance. Let's make a deal. If I win, I become the alpha and you can either stay or leave. But if you win then I will leave and never go near Jack again." Ryan had said with a smirk on his face and his arms cross. He stood there like he had no intention of loosing, and he was definitely going to win.
"Deal-" and before I could finish my sentence Ryan had turned into his wolf form and cane at me.
Now, anyone else would have been scared because Ryan's wolf form is pretty big and naturally bigger then others wolf forms, but not mine. My wolf forms a bit different then others and is way bigger then anyone else's. Not many people, including Ryan, have seen my wolf form so this should be interesting.
Before Ryan had gotten to me, I had the tome to change into my wolf form and met him half way when he had lunges at me. I grasped his neck with my muzzle and threw him down to the ground before he could get a scratch on me.
When he hit the ground he let out a loud yep, and by this point everyone who was in the area had fled. When I met with Ryan's eyes I could see the fear that had laced his eyes by now. He definitely realized that he messed up and had underestimated my size. But that didn't stop him.
Ryan came at me again and when I threw him again he was able to get a good scratch around my shoulder blade. I didn't yelp but it sure did hurt. I couldn't let this minor inconvenience stop me so I jumped on top of Ryan while he was down and I bit his neck. Hard. He let out another yelp and tried to wiggle his way out but I was to strong for him. I blacked out after this and my feral side came through.
Jack's P.O.V.
When Mark has Ryan under him his eyes began to glow a bright yellow color with a hint of red in them. It was scary, but I couldn't just sit there and watch. Mark has began to hurt Ryan more then he had too. Now, Ryan was definitely a dickhead, but he didn't deserve to die.
I ran over to where Mark was and pried him off of Ryan. When I finally got Mark off of him he passed out and turned back into his normal self. Luckily his pants stayed when he turned back so I don't have to worry about carrying a naked Mark through the park. I threw mark over my shoulder and looked back at Ryan who was also passed out and back to normal. His faced was messed up and he definitely had a broken rib or two.
~Back At Mark's House~
Sunday Afternoon
I laid Mark down on his bed and treated his left shoulder blade that had a huge claw mark on it and was bleeding a lot. I bandage him up and left. Before I left I put my contact in his phone. I didn't want to cause him anymore trouble and just went back to my place. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't shaken up, but it's something that happens way to often now.
When I got home I pretty much threw on a huge hoodie that went down to my knees and some shorts on. I looked at my phone for the first time in awhile and saw 14 missed calls from Felix and 38 messages. I was too tired for this right now so just decided to ignore his text for now and just talk to him in school tomorrow. I threw myself into bed and sat there on my phone watching YouTube videos while petting my cat, Sam, until I fell asleep.

~The Next Day Back At School~

As soon as I walked in the door I saw Fe and he came running at me. At first he hugged me but then slapped my face.
"Dude you worried me so much after you didn't answer my text!" Felix said and then embraced me in another hug.
"Sorry Fe, my phone died and I never got the chance to charge it" I said which was actually true for some what of the time.
"Just. Never scare me like that again. I thought you DIED" he said with an over dramatic voice. I couldn't help but giggle at that until I heard someone around us whispering.
"Hey, did you hear what happened to Ryan?" the one werewolf girl said.
"Yeah him and Mark got in a huge fight again. I heard this time he really pushed his buttons," another werewolf girl said. I never really payed attention to it until now, but everyone around the school was talking about it. Mainly because everyone knows that Ryan has been trying to fight Mark from the very beginning.
"I'm just glad you weren't caught up in that" Fe said and it snapped me back to face him.
"Yeah that would have been pretty brutal" I said laughing it off. I didn't get caught up in that fight but I wish I was never even there. Just remembering what Mark looked like and what he did gives me the chills.
The whole day I never ran into Ryan. I think he was out of school, which would make sense since Mark really fucked him up. I got to the cafeteria and saw Fe next to Mark and his pack. I was confused until I saw Fe motioning for me to come sit down with them. I looked around a bit until finally going over and siting in between Mark and Fe. I felt a bit awkward at first until his pack started taking to me. They were very friendly and made me feel right at home. I could feel a bit of an awkward tension between both me and Mark, but just ignored it. His whole back gave off a very friendly vibe but it seemed they were all keeping their distance or keeping their chats to a minimum. It was a bit weird, but it's not like I minded it.
When lunch was over me and Fe went our separate ways and went down in separate directions of the hall to get to our classes.
"Hey Jack let me walk you to class!" I heard Mark yell from far away.
"Uh, okay sure" I said. I didn't mind it since me and Mark are just friends, but I wanted to ask why his friends were keeping a distance from me. "Hey Mark can I ask you something?" I said and we stoped in the hall since it wasn't time for class yet.
"Yeah sure! Whatcha need?" He said with his ears tilted to the side a bit. Damn he was cute-. Wait. I take that back. He looked annoying and that's all he looked.
"Uh, I was wondering if you knew why your friends were keeping a distance. I mean it's not that I mind but I was just confused," when I had said this Mark seemed to freeze up and he pulled me into this small janitors closet.
"Okay, I'll tell you but you can't get mad at me" he said with a hint of red on is face that I could only see from the tiny bit of light coming from a small tinted window in the door.
"I'm not gonna get mad so just tell me!" I pretty much begged him to by this point.
"Well, uhh, I sorta imprinted on you" he said and I know I promised not to get mad, but this, this is a whole different level.
"You did WHAT now?!" I said, making sure every word was laced with venom.
Now for those of you who do not know what being imprinted on mean let me explain. Being imprinted on means that a werewolf has made some sort of mark on you. It's not physical and only other werewolf's can set it. Now for some occasions it's great! No other werewolf can attack or harm you if you have been imprinted on. But for the bad side of it, the other person has like some sort of spiritual bond with the person who imprinted and it can NOT be undone. It can happen un announced some times or at random, usually to a werewolves lover it will happen, but on very rare occasions they can imprint you themselves. It's a total disaster for me because not only am I not able to date any other werewolf without thinking of Mark, but all werewolves back off of me now which is kinda good not gonna lie.
"Jack, I swear it was by accident I didn't mean to-" he tried saying but then...

Don't you just love a cliff hanger!
Hope you guys enjoyed!
Cya in the next chapter~

Word Count: 1678

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