Merry Christmas 3x09

Start from the beginning

"Santana" Quinn said which made Taylor's face turn white "Since you've been back you've spent the most time with her"

"Y-Yeah that's not gonna happen" Taylor stuttered which caught Quinn's attention 

"What's going on with you two? I haven't seen you guys together since Sa-oh"Quinn said in realization 

"Oh what?"

"Let me guess, she's mad because you didn't tell her about Sam" Quinn commented  as the girls reached the choir room and sat down next to each other  all the way in the back so no one was near them

"How-how did you know?" Taylor asked

"I might have been to one who told her" Quinn confessed and Taylor's face went red "She was looking for you one day and I told her you were probably with Sam. She asked 'why' and I told her about the summer. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were keeping it a secret."

"Thanks" Taylor sighed while putting her face in her hands 

"Why does it matter so much anyway?" Quinn questioned thinking that Santana should be happy for her sister

"It's-It's complicated Quinn" Taylor mumbled with her face still in her hands 

"Tell me" Quinn said while Taylor looked up at her sister "You said you want us to get closer. So tell me what's going on"

Taylor sighed into her hands and sat up. She looked at her twin sister, she knew that she could trust her and that talking about it might help her. 

"Fine, but you have to sister swear to keep it to yourself" Taylor swore and Quinn nodded as the sisters locked both their pinkies together. Then Taylor told Quinn...she told her everything. She told her about Santana and her in middle school. About how they have kissed and confessed their love for each other but Santana was with Brittany. And Taylor being the girl she is didn't want to hurt Brittany. And to be honest, Quinn wasn't that surprised about any of it. 

"Thanks to you she found out about Sam before I could talk to her about it. Now she won't even talk to me" Taylor admitted while leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed. Quinn sighed and rubbed her sisters shoulder "I never knew it was possible to love two people at the same time. It might sound fun, but it is absolutely horrible. I'm so so happy to be with Sam and have him here, but Santana is always in the back of my mind. I can't just focus on one and it's draining"

Before Quinn could answer her sister Finn and Rory came in. Finn announced that Rory was gonna sing them song. Quinn looked at her sister one last time before turning he attention to Rory. He decided to sing "Blue Christmas", which was fitting. During the performance Santana  and Taylor would look at each other just thinking about being able to spend Christmas with each other right now. In any way, whether that was friends or girlfriends. Taylor looked across the room at Santana, who happened to be staring right back. They just stared into each other eyes until  Santana broke eye contact when Rory finished and they all started clapping. 

"Gosh, that song was so depressing. I may actually be dead right now" Santana mocked  trying to show Taylor she wasn't affected 

"I-I think, what Santana means is, although that...that was mournfully now that the whole glee club is back together, I think that we should focus on the more joyous and the pageant aspect of the holiday season" Rachel fixes which makes Taylor role her eyes and just lean back in her chair and tone everyone out. But she did hear that the group was gonna be in a Christmas special on tv, but honestly she didn't really care.

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