New Roommates 4x02

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Taylor's Pov 

Well here we are, it's been two days since Rachel and Kurt found me and guess what? I have two roommates now. That night they asked and I had two open rooms so I thought why not. They did a lot of begging that night, then they came back the next day and begged some more. SO it didn't come easy. They both seemed desperate so I thought I'd help them out, that's what friends are for. Plus I have the bigger room, so jokes on them.

Rachel moved into "Alex's room" and Kurt moved into the one next to it. They officially moved all there thing in yesterday and honestly it doesn't look to bad. (Again it's the apartment in Glee just with two rooms on the left and one room on the right. And ofc Taylor has the big one on the right)

It was now Friday afternoon and I had to start getting ready for Clavin Klein's Fall 2012 Fashion Show. I'll be one of the runway models and will be the talk of the night since everybody is raving over the billboard. 

I was currently on the couch going through my computer waiting for Alex to show up. She wasn't in the show with me but she was coming for moralnsupport, like the great friend she is. Plus she was coming to the after party with me. 

"So Taylor, I was thinking we put posters up of all different broadway-" Rachel started while walking over to me on the couch 

"I'm gonna stop you right there Rachel, we are not putting anything like that up" I stated putting my hand up at her, not wanting her to get anymore ideas 


"No but's Rachel, this is my apartment and I was nice enough to let you guys live here. But that doesn't mean you can change this place around. If you do, I'm kicking you out. No hesitation" I commanded while shutting my laptop loudly making her jump

"Fine" Rachel gave in

"Thank you" I then got up from the couch and headed over to put my computer on my desk, Alex should be here any minute.

"Taylor, who's stuff is this in the bathroom" Kurt asked while showing me all of Alex's makeup and stuff she leaves here

"That's Alex stuff, just put it with mine. I'll go buy an extra cabinet for the bathroom" I said not even acting like it was a big deal

"Who's Alex?" Rachel wondered while following me into the kitchen 

"She's my friend, well my best friend here" I explained "She was here the night you guys first came but she was dead asleep. She'll be stopping by in a few because she's coming to my event with me"

"Awe I can't wait to meet her, love meeting new people" Rachel cheered clapping her hands together, and I chuckled because I not sure how much Alex will like Rachel. Maybe Kurt but not Rachel.

Before I could say anything else, the front door swing open with Alex swooping in. She has her own key.

"Taylor I swear your neighbor needs to stop being such a creep, one more time he looks at me like that and we are filing a complaint" Alex order while storming in the apartment but right when she saw Kurt and Rachel she stopped and smiled "Hi"

I looked at Rachel and Kurt expecting a nice 'Hi' back but they both had their jaws dropped.

"Uh guys" I said trying to get there attention by walking next to Alex

"It's like a Santana 2.0" Kurt gasped walking up to us 

"Excuse me?" Alex and I both sassed at the same time 

"She-she looks like she can be Santana's twin" Rachel spoke while following behind Kurt 

"Ohhhh Taylors' girl Santana, yeah we look really similar. Isn't it weird" Alex shrugged while walking over to "not so much" her room. Probably going to grab something from the drawer that has all her stuff but that is now in my room.

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