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Elliot's POV

Olivia is sleeping peacefully in the passengers seat when we arrive at the apartment. Not wanting to wake her up, I pick her up and carry her, which isn't very hard considering she's no heavier than 120 pounds. Once we are in the apartment, I lie her down and and climb into bed next to her.

"I love you Liv," I whisper. As if she could hear what I was saying, she cuddled up into my side and lied her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and let my hand wrap in her hair. I lay there watching her sleep until I eventually drift off.


I jolt awake after hearing pounding at the door. Apparently it startled Olivia too because she jumped at the sudden noise and then launched herself into my arms. I look at the clock 2:14. What the hell? I start to get up but then look at Olivia who is scared out of her mind. I hand her a gun and point to the closet. She nods her head at me, slowly walks into the closet, and kisses me one last time before I close the door. I silently pray as I walk to the door and open it. I feel a wave of relief wash over me, but it doesn't last long.

"Cragen what are you doi-," He pulls out a taser and before I can do anything, I'm on the ground.

Olivia's POV

"Cragen what are you doi-," I hear Elliot say, but he doesn't finish his sentence.

The closet door is pulled open and I see the taser in his hand. Without thinking, I shoot, but only in the shoulder, to make sure I don't kill him. He falls to the ground bleeding.

"You dumb bitch." He stands up still holding his shoulder, and lunges at me. He slaps me across the face multiple times but I can't move. I can't think about anything but when Lewis did the same thing to me.

He smacked me multiple times across the face. When he was done, he cut my clothes off. He got on top of me and started raping me again. I was screaming, but nobody could hear me. I just wanted to die, right then and there.

I snapped back to reality and there stood Cragen with a gun to Elliot's head.

"Say goodbye Olivia," he said with a smile on his face.

Again, without thinking, right as he was about to shoot, I jumped in and smacked the gun out of his hand. As if it was on cue, the police entered the apartment. After they take Cragen away in handcuffs, Elliot grabs me and gives me the tightest hug ever. I look up and notice that he is crying. Elliot never cries. I wipe the tears off his cheeks and smiled at him. He let out a laugh.

"I love you Olivia Benson."

"I love you too Elliot Stabler." I said as I snuggled into his chest once again. He placed his hand in my hair and began to comb it with his fingers.

"You really like playing with my hair don't you?"

"Yes I do." He responded laughing once again. "Let's get some sleep."

He walked me to the guest bedroom, tucked me in, and laid down next to me. Slowly, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.


I wake up, only three hours later. Elliot's not beside me anymore. I start to worry but then hear him cursing in the hallway.

"Elliot what the hell are you doing?" I whisper. He doesn't respond. I walk out into the hallway and he's oblivious to the fact that I'm even standing there. He's punching a wall and his hand is bleeding. I walk over to him to go and grab his hand, but before I know it, he strikes me across the face and I fall to the ground. I put a hand over my now-bleeding cheek.

"Oh my god Liv," he says as he reaches his arms out to me. I quickly shuffle away from him with tears in my eyes.

Elliot's POV

She looks at me with tears running down her face. She looks scared. She looks genuinely terrified of me at this moment, and it breaks my heart.

"Liv, please I'm so sorry."

She gets up slowly and walks to our bedroom. She slams the door shut, but she's only in there for a couple minutes before she comes back out with a bag, her keys, and her phone.

"Where are you going?"


"Liv, I'm so sorry. Please just stay. I swear I didn't mean to." She walks to the door, opens it, and pauses.

"I hate you." She whispers before walking out and slamming the door behind her.

A/N sorry it took so long to update😩 thanks to the people reading, please vote, comment, share, and follow 💗 love you all 💗

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