002 | Boundaries

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Y/N's POV:

''I am turning aren't I?''

"Y/N, what did you say?" I couldn't really see how they looked, but I felt their surprised eyes on me. not knowing how I found out about their little secret.

"I'm turning, aren't I?" I repeated loud and clear this time, holding back my pain as much as possible so they could hear it even better. "Turning to what, Y/N?" "Kaname, why keep acting like it's a secret when I am clearly turning into that particular secret?" I decided to just get it over with, I didn't feel like continuing such a useless conversation. I just think it is best in this situation since they can see I know about the secret. Like I said, why keep something a secret if it's clearly not a secret anymore?

"How do you know Y/N?" "Since I am not stupid, it's very clear you guys are indeed vampires." "Does anyone else know?" "Next to Yuki and Zero Cross, no." I slowly began to see more, and the pain began to fade away. Only a pain in my teeth began to form. ''When will this end? Please make it stop!" I begged while trying to keep my tears in. "It's almost over, Y/N; just keep it together for a few seconds."

Finally, the pain went away just to come back ten times worse for a few seconds, letting me scream harder than was even possible. I closed my eyes and ran to the corner of the room, trying to get out. The moment I opened my eyes, everything was red, and I only saw and heard blood flowing through veins, making me want to ruin them, stick my teeth in, and suck it's liquid out consume it.

"Y/N, you are very hungry now; drink from my neck; it will help." I looked at the voice that said that in less than a second, Kaname. "I will give you my blood; it will help you control your thirst; after that, you can live on blood tablets," he said while walking up to me.

''No.'' I wasn't going to drink his blood. Drinking from the neck of a vampire is seen as something sexual, something you do with your lover, and I am not his lover, I will never be, because I won't agree with it. He knows it's only for one time, but still, one time is one time. It's like taking someone's virginity for one night. I won't accept that, even if it's just to help.

"Y/N, just do it; it's nothing big." For me, it is Kaname. He walked closer and closer to me, making me want to jump right through the window, which I did. Yes, I jumped out of the window. I will not drink his blood; that goes over my personal barrier, and I will not go further than that. ''Y/N! He is just trying to help you!'' You heard Mr. Cross scream at you. I am sorry, Mr. Cross, and Kaname. But I am on my own now.

I jumped onto the school roof and dashed to the forest, where I hid not too far into it. I still wanted to show myself some time, proving I can do it by myself. I opened my nose to smell the forest all around me, hoping to catch a whiff of a deer. I followed the trail through the forest, jumping from tree to tree, to find the deer eating some grass. Since I was still hungry, I jumped on the deer, snapped its neck, and drank its blood. It wasn't enough, so I spent the day hunting for more.

Kaname's POV:

"Mr. Cross, it's okay." "What do you mean? She fled as a newborn who had not yet drunk any blood!" ''I know, but I have the feeling that she is stronger than you might think," I said while looking outside the window, following the path she took through the forest. A second later, I smelled deer blood—she is drinking from animals to keep her sane, an intelligent move that could keep her fine for a while.

"What if something happens to her? What if she's gone for good? How do I explain that to Yuki and all her friends?!'' "You just simply tell them that she is very ill and that she needs rest. You transfer her to the night class in case she comes back.'' He nodded, still panicking, but deep down he knew it was all okay because I remained calm.

The days after were normal, simply boring. Every morning I did look out of the window, just to sometimes see a glimpse of her sitting in a tree or hunting for animals. The other Night Class students had their suspicions—a lot of different animal blood was sent in a short time that couldn't be missed, so it wouldn't take long until questions would get thrown at me.

"Lord Kaname, you have some explaining to do." "And what exactly do I have to explain to you, Kain?" "The dubious smells, the hunting, and the dead animals." "That is something I don't need to explain since it isn't me who is doing that," I said, turning around and leaning against the wall. "So you do know who is making such a mess?" I nodded and walked to my desk, taking some books in my hand to read the back. "Yes, I do," I simply said without really listening. ''Then make him stop; we will have problems if humans get attacked; the pattern and the deaths of the animals are way too obvious.'' "First of all, it's she; second of all, I am handling it; she won't go near a human if it's dangerous for him or her." "Make it stop as fast as possible; we don't want to get into any problems with Headmaster Cross since some stupid bitch that doesn't belong here can't hold her thirst."

I snapped, I threw the book on my desk, and I had Kain pinned to the wall with my hand on his neck. "She isn't a bitch, and she does belong here, the fact you aren't able to control your emotions shouldn't lead to sexism, Kain. She can hold her thirst; she is the strongest I have ever seen, she just needs time to get used to the transformation.'' I replied coolly and threatenedly. ''Then why is she hunting down so many animals?''

"Since the only thing she lives on are animals,"

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