Chorong's dress

Hareem, Hajin and Hana's dress

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Hareem, Hajin and Hana's dress

Hareem, Hajin and Hana's dress

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Men's sneakers

Women's sneakers

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Women's sneakers

Chorong checks the food and decorations, making sure that everything is ready

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Chorong checks the food and decorations, making sure that everything is ready. The cake is on the table. The light bulbs are decorating their backyard. The golden balloons decorating HAPPY BIRTHDAY are sticking well to the wall. Now, it's only left for them to wait for Suho. Chorong fixes the girls' hairs and the boys' jackets. They need to look good in front of Suho.

(Suho's situation)

Suho parks his car at the garage and walks upstairs. He checks his appearance on the mansion's window. He's dressed as Chorong asked him to. He looks around. Why is the house so empty? He doesn't think they go out because Chorong's car is parked in the garage as usual. Plus, today is weekend and Chorong is sometimes lazy to go out on weekends. She prefers staying at home, spending time with them.

Suho checks around and realizes that there are some lights from their backyard. He frowns, is there something happening? It's rare for Chorong to set something up when he comes back from overseas. Well, maybe because today's his birthday. Suho smiles and walks to the backyard. Suddenly,

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to daddy! Happy birthday to you!"

Suho smiles brightly as he hear the kids singing birthday song for him. He looks at Chorong and smiles at her. He opens his arms and the kids run to him, pushing him to the ground. Suho laughs as they hug each other. Chorong laughs looking at them who are casually lying down on the grass. She takes Suho's hands and pulls him up. The kids stand up too. They walk to the table, eating their dinner. Suho looks at the decorations.

"You all did this?" He asks, disbelief.

"It was mummy's idea" Hareem replies as she stuff the spaghetti into her mouth. Suho looks at Chorong. She smiles and nods her head. "That's why I hung up quickly. I'm sorry" Chorong pecks Suho's cheek. Suho smiles and hugs her.

"Thank you, love"

He pecks Chorong's lips before the kids could ever realize them being lovey dovey there. They continue to eat while talking. Hareem and Hajin keep on asking about London while Hansol and Haneul are more eager to know if Suho bought anything for them. Hana? Well, she's being herself. Introverted, quiet.

Now, it's time for them to eat the cake baked by the girls. They talk and joke around with each other, just like how a happy family would have done. They take pictures together using the camera and phones. Hana also takes few selfies with her Instax camera. They play some random games and tease each other while stuffing cake on each other's faces.

The sky is turning darker and gloomy, the weather starts to become chilly, telling them that it will rain soon. The girls clean the dishes while the boys offer to tidy the garden. They push Suho and Chorong back into their room, giving their parents some privacy. Chorong changes into her pyjama while Suho baths. She lies down on the bed, playing with her phone.

Suho walks out from the bathroom, changing into his sweatpants, not bothering to wear any shirt. He joins Chorong on the bed and pulls her into his hug. Chorong snuggles closer and rests her head on Suho's shoulder. They look at each other. Suho caresses Chorong's hair and kisses her forehead.

"I miss you" he whispers.

"I miss you too, honey" Chorong replies and giggles softly when Suho caresses her cheeks.

"I miss you a lot. You, your hair, your face, your eyes, your nose, your lips, your voice, your laughter, your kiss, your cook and even your body" Suho chuckles at his last word.

Chorong rolls her eyeballs. This guy will never grow up. She hits Suho's chest playfully. "Oh, please, Kim Junmyeon. You're 40 and we have 5 kids already" she replies. Suho smiles and kisses Chorong's cheeks. They cuddle with each other, silently. Calm, just like how they both like it.

As she rest her head on Suho's chest, Chorong thinks back of the days where she first met Suho. They used to argue a lot, even over small matters. Both have high egos, both are stoned headed. Sometimes, she feels like laughing to herself thinking back of those days. Seriously, she and Suho was forced to marry each other. They never like each other at first but now. They're happy together, loving each other. Happy with their kids. Suho caresses Chorong's hair, looking at her.

"What are you thinking about?"

Chorong smiles. "Nothing. I just think of how we first met. Funny"

Suho smiles at Chorong's words and hugs her. It's true, funny to be true. But, without that day, maybe they can't even meet. Chorong tightens the hug, looking at her husband. She pecks his lips softly before pulling away. Suho places his right hand on Chorong's cheek and kisses her lips softly. It's short, but enough to tell how much they love each other. They look at each other tenderly, smiling before kissing each other's lips softly again. They're happy now. With each other. With the presences of their handsome princes and beautiful princesses. Kim Junmyeon, Kim Chorong, Kim Haneul, Kim Hareem, Kim Hajin, Kim Hana and Kim Hansol. Everything is complete now and they could ask for nothing more. The existence of their children is enough to strengthen their love and bond for each other. The family is happy now, tomorrow and forever.

"I love you forever, Kim Chorong"

"I love you forever too, Kim Junmyeon"

"You're always mine, dear"

"I know"

TheEnd 😘💞

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