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Suho POV
Seoul University,

I park my car away from the entrance to drop Chorong. Chanyeol's going to pick her from here. I glance, she's still busy fixing her hair and I feel like laughing. This girl is really changing her potato image. I look at her. "You know,. I preferred your potato image" I ruffle with her hair.

"Yah! You're the one who told me to change!" Chorong pouts, resulting me to laugh like a maniac. Oh God, she's really cute. I pinch her cheeks, making her startle. I am shock with my act, too.

"That's nothing"

"What and ever" she replies coldly as she fixes her hair. I place my hands on the steering, waiting for Chanyeol to appear. Where the hell is this big ears? I open the window to search for him.

Chorong takes her files and bag, opening the door. "I'm going, bye!" she leaves without even bothering herself to say thank you to me. Ugh, she's totally putting on a revenge.

I stay silent for a while, watching Chanyeol who's approaching his beloved noona. They're really close, they can't be apart. God, I'm jealous. When will I ever be like that with Namjoo?

I throw away my thoughts and drive my McLaren to the campus carpark. I park my car and I stop when I see my ex, Hyorin. What's she doing here? "Hi, oppa!" she greets me.

I reply with a cold glare. She comes closer and hugs my left arm, which leave me to shock. "What are you doing?!" angrily, I shout at her. Hyorin, who is shock, set my arm free. Oh God, I need to wash my arm using factory of sanitizers after this.

"How are you? I miss you" she smiles at me. Oh ya, it's fake and I know it. I glare at her as I walk towards the vending machine. She keeps on tailing me from behind. I turn, causing her to stop abruptly. I frown.

"Why are you tailing me around?"

"Urm.. no reason? I miss you, oppa" she replies with her cute tone. I roll my eyes in hatred. What is this girl even thinking to come near me? She's not even in my faculty. I pull her to the park and set her arms free there. She flinches slightly.

"Listen here. You're no longer my girlfriend so, stop tailing me around, Hyorin" I say as I leave. Oh God, what a great morning to meet her. I see Xiumin and Changsub, but I decide to just walk to the hall.

Chorong POV

I am now walking with Solar and Irene. We're laughing out loud as if we're talking about some funny stuffs. I stop when I see something that shatters my heart into pieces. "What's up?" Irene asks.

They look at the direction I'm focusing on and are shock to see what's happening. A girl is hugging Suho's arm.. she's a famous girl from Fashion faculty right? Solar hugs me. "Hey, are you okay?" she asks, concerns.

I look down. I don't know why but I feel like crying inside. "I.. I'm fine. We should go" I try to avoid that scene. Who's that girl? Is she one of Suho's girlfriend? Irene lifts up my face and then realizes that I'm crying.

"Damn it. You're crying, Park Chorong"

"No, I'm not" I deny as I wipe away my tears. Well, maybe I can lie to others, but not these two. We know each other like since we were 4. Irene and Solar hug me.

"Chorong, hey. Don't cry. You're strong, sissie. I don't think Suho likes that girl. He looks at her with hatred" Solar says, trying to calm me. Half of my heart is denying while the other half is agreeing. Why am I feeling like this?

"That's it. You're strong, sissie. Now, why don't we go because Professor Ahn won't like it if her top trio turned up late" they smile. I smile back, thanking them. Avoiding the scene just now, we walk to our faculty building.

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