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1 month later,
Suho POV

"Yes! At last, term holiday!" I jump excitedly as I walk to my car with Xiumin and Changsub. They shake their heads looking at my childish behavior.

Xiumin smiles. "Suho, your mom text me to bring Chorong to your parents house for lunch" he says. I frown. Why isn't mom calling me? Oh wait, I leave my phone in the car.

"Sure, bye guys"

"Have a good holiday, bro!" Changsub waves and I drive my car to fetch Chorong at her faculty building. Music & Dance Faculty. She really loves music and lyrics.

She walks there with Irene and Solar but then I realize that there are 2 boys behind them. Tch, who are they and why are they with my girl? Shit, I'm a possessive and selfish jerk. I walk out from the car and pace towards Chorong.

"Hey, Suho" the boys greet me and I realize they're my other friends, Kris and Luhan. I pull Chorong into my hug, Irene and Solar burst out laughing when Chorong's cheeks blush.

I look at them with a nonchalant look. "Looks like your husband's jealous with us, Chorong" Luhan says and chuckles. Well, what do you expect from my cousin? He's a jerk but a very good guy in front of people he knows since childhood.

"Darn it. Suho, stop" she breaks the hug and walks towards Kris, hiding herself behind the tall figure. I make a poker face as if I don't care.

She rolls her eyes at me and pout. "I need to fetch that potato because mom wants to have lunch with her daughter in law" playfully, I state the reason I'm here. Chorong rolls her eyeballs and walks into my expensive BMW.

30 minutes later,

We arrive at mom's and dad's house. I look to my left, Chorong is sleeping. She's always like this, she really loves to sleep in the car. I shake her body to wake her up. She takes my hand and hugs it while sleeping. I chuckle, so cute.

"Hey, wake up sleepyhead. Mom's going to nag"

"But I wanna sleep more" she mumbles and hugs my hand tightly. I don't know why, but I can't hate her. She acts so lovely and I want all of hers to be mine. Yes, I want her all by myself. I tuck her hair that's covering her face behind her ear and peck her lips.

She opens her eyes, looking startle. Her cheeks blush as our eyes meet. She looks away and sets my hand free. I laugh. "Now I know how to wake you up" I smirk and walk out from the car.

Chorong follows me into mom's and dad's house, this is actually her first time here since our marriage. I smile as I hug mom and dad. Chorong does the same. "Mama and papa are here too?" Chorong smiles ear to ear as she sees her family. 

Leaving me, she runs to her brother. I laugh when she hides her tiny self behind the tall Chanyeol. "Hyung, take your wife" Chanyeol looks annoyed. But, I know he's just joking. Chorong pinches his arm.

"OW! Noona!" he screams, causing me and their parents to laugh too. I shake my head and let them be. I walk to the kitchen and see Namjoo. We're not so close, but we do talk to each other sometimes. Just.. more like fighting over some stuff.

"Oppa, you're here. Sorry, didn't hear you" she says, busying herself with the food preparation. I sigh, my sister is still angry about what happened last week. I went to a club to celebrate Doojoon's birthday.

Yeah, you read that. I went to a party.

And, this little girl caught me going there, having fun with my friends. Seriously, I don't know why does she need to be so angry while she was also there to celebrate Doojoon. I hug her. "Sister, I'm sorry. I promised I won't do it again"

She removes my hands. God, apologizing to my sister is harder than apologizing to Chorong. "Whatsoever" she walks to the front to serve food with Mrs Shin. I smile, well at least she doesn't shout at me.

We sit at the table. I sigh in disappointment when Chorong pushes me to sit with Namjoo. Well, she's being a clingy sister towards Chanyeol again. But, I love their cute interactions with each other. "Guess what?"

Papa's voice distracts me, Namjoo, Chorong and Chanyeol.

Chorong POV

We all look papa. Mama, mom and dad smile the whole time and I just realize it. Okay, why are they smiling? Is there anything? "We're going on a vacation!" Mom says happily.

I choke on my water. We? We? Means.. me and Suho are going to join? I exchange looks with Suho and mama realizes that. "No worries. Suho and Chorong will be in the same apartment while all of us will stay in a house" mama grins.

WHAT?! NO WAY! I look at mama. "Ma.." I say, rejecting slowly. Mama smiles as she looks at me.

"We'll be going to Italy next week" oh damn. This is bad. Italy?! On earth?! Yeah, it's a vacation for them but there's a hidden honeymoon for me and Suho. We, on a honeymoon? I'm dead.

I look at papa, pleading for explanation. I look at Suho, he says anything but smiles. Don't tell me he likes this. Duh, this is crazy. "Pa, why Italy?"

Papa and dad smile. "We're going to let you guys on a honeymoon okay?" and they burst laughing. I sigh and lean back on my chair. See? I look at Suho, he's looking down and I can tell that joy fills in every angle on his face. Damn it.

After eating, I walk to the kitchen to help Namjoo washing the dishes. She refuses and pushes me to go upstairs. Or.. should I say Suho's room? I sigh as I reach his room. I knock and he opens the door. "Welcome to my room"

Hesitating, I pace into the room. It's big, extremely big. It's like three times bigger than my room. Darn it, he's a billionaire's son remember? He lies down on his bed, smirking. "Wanna join me?"

I roll my eyes in annoyance. "Thanks, but it's okay" I glare at him and sit on the blue velvet couch. Wow, so comfortable. As I look out through the window, I hear someone locks the door. Wait, what? I turn and see Suho pacing towards me. Oh, oh. What is he trying to do?

I stand up, preparing myself to run away. When I'm about to go, he catches me by my waist and pushes me slowly on the wall. Oh, God. Please save me. "You're not going anywhere, dear"

He locks my eyes with his, to be real I'm nervous but I like this. My heart beats three times faster as I feel his breath on my neck. After that, he beigns to kiss my lips.

To my surprise, I don't even reject but instead I reply to it. It's a sweet and soft kiss at first but turns out to be a deep, hot and passionate kiss just because I reply to his kiss. "Suho.." I moan. He smirks and looks at me, breaking the kiss for few seconds.

"Should we take this ro the bed?" He asks. I bite my lower lip, feeling nervous. He continues kissing me as I feel my body reaches the bed, he's on top of me. He kisses me deeper and deeper, reaching my jaw, neck, collarbone and shoulder. It's a bad thing I wear off-shoulder to class today. He kisses my shoulder and sucks my skin. I moan again.

Suddenly, I realize that he's trying to find the zipper on my top. I squeeze his arms, asking him to stop. Darn it, I'm not ready. He breaks the kiss and looks away. "Suho"

"I'm sorry, Chorong. I'll leave for a while" he says and leaves me alone in the room. Why did I stop him? He wants me and to be real, I want him too.

Yes, I want him.

What is happening to me? Why am I always like this in front of Suho? Why are his kisses always affects me? Why didn't I feel like this with my ex?

I look at the mirror, checking my shoulder. He even left his mark there. Damn it, what's gotten into me? I sigh, his kisses are different. Realizing that we'll be going to honeymoon next week is enough to make me feel like dying.

We almost make out and I spoiled it by stopping him. Damn Park Chorong. You screwed up. I sigh and lie down on his bed. Just go to sleep to calm my jumping heart.


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