spiderman is missing, we need the avatar!| (peter parker)

Começar do início

you immediately started to untie him, it was tricky since the ties were made to withstand his spidey strength, though with some water slicing you got him right out.

"y/n," he wheezed, clutching his stomach and swinging his legs off the table. he embraced you a tight hug, nonetheless. his body was cold and you were scared to hug him back tightly in case you hurt him in any way.

you pulled out of the hug and kissed him passionately. he didn't even have to think before he kissed you back. you leaned your forehead against his and tears formed around your eyes. "oh, my god. what have they done to you?" you cried, looked at the scars on his arm and torso. "i'm so sorry, this is my fault." you ran your fingers along his arms, looking at every scar. reaching his torso, you saw a surgical scar. you cried once again. "i'm so sorry, i didn't stop them from taking you,"

"hey, look at me," he whispered, reaching to hold up your face with his fingers under your chin. "i'm okay. i'm really fine. this isn't your fault." he tried to reassure you.

you both turned your heads quickly when you heard a rustling near the wall. "can you walk?" you asked quietly, he nodded and you motioned for him to go the way you came. you quickly wiped away your tears.

"i'll help you."

"you're in no condition to fight, i got this," you whispered to him and kissed him again softly. he lingered in the kiss for a moment before limping to the side. you started walking slowly over towards the doctor, he was no longer in the ruble of the stone you had encased him in.

you felt the vibrations with your feet, feeling the doctor near the ladder where peter was. you ran over to peter and saw the doctor injecting him with something clear.

enraged, you screamed all the air out of your lungs, causing him to slam into the wall and slide down. you ran and grabbed peter and flipped him over, "peter," you wiggled his face a little bit.

he wasn't waking up and you weren't able to carry him up the ladder. but before you could think of anything, you were knocked over the head and everything went black.


when you came to, you were strapped down to the same table peter was before. you couldn't remember what happened before you blacked out or how he would've even survived what you did to him...

you looked to your left and saw peter chained to the wall that was nearly 10 feet away. "peter!" you shout at him, trying to make him wake up. there's no sign of that doctor anywhere you and him have to escape now.

he groaned a little bit but opened his eyes. "you have to get up," you said to him. it was obvious this doctor had no idea how your powers worked and didn't know how to stop them. you raised your right hand and tipped over a water bottle on his work stand, then taking the water and slicing your way out of the rope you were strapped down with.

you got out and nearly fell off the table to get to peter. he had looked even worse than he did before, as if the doctor worked on him before you. you reached him on the floor and tears welled in your eyes. you cupped your hands and taking his face in them, "peter, wake up!" you cried, he opened his eyes almost immediately.

he looked up at you, one of his eyes was swollen shut. "i'm ok-okay-" he barely got out.

"no, you're not," you wept, seeing him in this much disarray and brokeness also broke you, knowing you could have stopped it. "look what he did to you, i'm- i'm so sorry!" he grabbed you into his arms, as much as he could with the chains around his ankles.

"you didn't do this, y/n, i promise. let's get out of here, yeah?" he said sweetly to you, you nodded. you realized he didn't have enough strength to break the chains so you searched for the key around the doctors set up and nothing came up.

instead, you grabbed the half spilled water bottle off of the counter and poured them all over the chains on peter. "it's gonna be really, really cold and then a lot of air, okay?" he nodded slowly and you did exactly that, ultimately breaking his chains off.

as you propped him up on your shoulder to help him walk, he looked at you. "i love you,"

you took a moment before you realized what he was doing. "shut up, peter. that's not happening." you dragged him to the ladder and lifted him above it with your airbending. climbing out yourself, you helped peter along the dark hallways.

you kept feeling for vibrations, you felt a guard down the hall and to the left. you dragged peter to the end of the hall and proped him up against the wall. "one sec," you whispered to him, putting your head against his.

"you got this," he said to you softly.

taking care of the guard was no issue, but when you went back for peter he was in the clutches of the doctor with a gun to his head.

out stretching your arms, you pleaded. "don't do this,"

"just go, y/n. i'm fine," peter groaned in pain.

"hes useless to me," he said wickedly, "you are much more interesting...how do you do the things you can do?"

"why don't i show you," you responded angrily. you let the rage you felt for the doctor build up inside you like a rolling snowball, imaging the things he has done to peter, the hell he put him through and the hell he wanted to put you through.

you felt the energy engulfing your body all at once like a ton of bricks. you could see the doctor's mouth agap indicating your eyes were already glowing. lifting yourself off the ground into the air, you swiftly moved your arm up and the doctor went flying backwards. before moving, you formed your hand into a fist, bringing metal pieces from the wall around you. the rage still encasing you with it's energy.

you followed him, as he tried to recouperate himself. you pinned him on the wall with a tilt of your head. sending the metal shards flying toward him, attaching themselves on his clothes and then to the wall behind him.

"you will never hurt anyone ever again!" you yelled with the energy inside of you, causing there to be a massive echo. before you could bend the air out of his lungs you felt a hand touch your arm, looking down you saw peter.

you were grounded by him, your eyes stopped glowing and you felt the rage slip away like it was never there. you fell into his weak arms and he fell back against the wall and slid down, holding your head in his lap.

you could feel ned running down the hallway, along with the footsteps of a lot of people. rounding the corner he was with a SWAT team.

"we got him!" ned exclaimed.

you looked up to peter, "yeah, we did."

imagines ; tom holland & peter parkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora