"Err where exactly are we going?" came Vihaan's voice.

Khushi blinked, realizing that she was not alone. She had been absent-mindedly leading Vihaan –who had showed up without warning a few minutes ago– through the numerous hospital hallways to her office, instead of the cafeteria for a cup of coffee.

"Sorry," she mumbled, changing their route. "Was thinking about something."

"About your fight with Arnav?"

Khushi nervously glanced at her brother. "We weren't fighting..."

Vihaan snorted. "I can tell from a mile away if you're pissed or not... and Arnav seemed to have hit a sore spot."

"What sore spot?"

"Suffocating masculinity."

Khushi bit her lip. "That... that's not a sore spot."

"Please, that's your favorite bone to pick. I have seen it since childhood... Before it was Papa and now it's Arnav."

It was odd to hear her father and Arnav mentioned in the same sentence like that. She knew by now that Arnav was miles apart from Alok, he had no qualms about women or what they did for a living.

"I was talking about men Vihaan," she said, feeling the need to clarify. "Not Arnav in particular."

"Arnav is not a man?"

She rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. "I'm not going to apologize for my views.... if I don't fight for what I believe in, then I have no right to be upset for how I am being treated."

Vihaan smiled. "You don't have to apologize for anything little sis... I just mean that for the people who don't know you, your anger may not seem justified."

Khushi mulled that over, wondering if that really was the case. Making a mental note to talk to Arnav about it at night when her shift was over, she stopped at the reception desk in the hospital lobby, which was bustling as usual with activity.

"Sona," she called to the receptionist. "Can you ask Mrs. Khanna, who's supposed to come at 10 o'clock, to wait ten minutes for me?"

The nurse glared at her in response. "This is the front desk Dr. Gupta, and I'm not your personal assistant."

Khushi gritted her teeth. After criticizing one of the nurses for flirting with Arnav, she had become their number one enemy.  They maintained their distance and tried to be as unhelpful as possible.

"In that case," Khushi answered coolly. "Go ahead and page me when Mrs. Khanna arrives like how the front desk is supposed to. I will show up ten minutes late."

And without waiting for a reply, Khushi walked away.

"What was that about?" Vihaan asked bewildered, matching his steps with hers.

"Nothing important," she answered. "But I don't have a lot of time Vihaan. Why are you really here?"

He took a deep breath. "I have something to tell you."

"I'm listening."

"I'm going to London."

Khushi didn't understand what was so urgent about that. "Okay, for how long?"


She stopped in her tracks. What?

"Let's sit down," Vihaan suggested, pointing to the cafeteria, now only a few feet away from them.

"Why on earth is Papa shipping you off to London?!" Khushi fired instantly. "He promised to make you the CEO!"

"Shhh! Calm down!"

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