To What Meets the Eye

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Takehide slept with his back to the headboard and his legs tucked under one another. With each breath, his chest slowly rose and lowered with his shoulders. At first glance, it was almost as if he had found peace within himself as if even in his dreams he knew what he would do next.

The castle was silent, there was nothing to disturb him. At least that was until he heard something move within close proximity of the bed. Still, he didn't make any outgoing movements of his own as he remained relaxed against the wall.

His eyes peeked open just a sliver, in the hidden corner of the room hardly lit by the rising sun, was a cloaked figure wearing a white mask. They had not tripped nor had they dropped something, it had only been their presence that had woken him up. In the academy's long nights of training, he became a light sleeper, so all one had to do was let out a single breath to break him free from slumber if he was suitably rested.

"Intriguing... Judging from your distance from the door and the Balcony, you were in the room for a good few seconds," Takehide observed as he sensed no ill-will from the being who immediately snapped to attention as they had been seen.

"Takehide-dono is perceptive," said the being as they stepped out into the open, revealing their indistinguishable appearance that hideaway any sign of their true identity. "I have come to you with a message, O' powerful Spear Hero... Degozaru." As they announced their purpose, they knelt down onto one leg with a hand resting on each thigh.

From what he could see, the person before him had a very feminine build and thigh-high socks. Their attire consisted mostly of black with white trim on their uniform under that cloak of theirs.

An expression of indifference reigned upon the hero's face as he stared at the person in front of the bed. "So you were detected on purpose," Takehide sighed as he drummed his fingers playfully along the shaft of his spear. "What's with the archaic samurai ending...?"

"Distance yourself from the Shield Hero degozaru," they said whilst looking over the hero from behind the blacked-out visor of their mask.

"Excuse me?" The Spear Hero's fingers curled around the shaft as his eyelids flexed discontentedly at the assumed messenger. Especially as they ignored his second question. "Ugh... This isn't something I want to hear when I first wake up," Takehide shifted his legs out from under him and stretched them forward to the wall opposite of him

"There are people who do not see all Heroes as Equal, and if you side with him, your reputation will sink along with his degozaru." The Shadow gave a simple gesture of their hand, as to seek affirmation that he understands.

His dark eyes remained on the shadow that was ahead of him, that indifferent expression had now fallen into that of a frown. 'Am I being threatened? No, this was a warning... Why would they look down on the Shield Hero?'

"You will understand in due time," the Shadow stood and turned to leave the room only to stop halfway, sensing something was off. They made a mistake as they went to face the Spear Hero again.

Takehide had already left his bed before they even noticed his movements. The head of his spear was directly under the Shadow's chin, "Who do you serve?"

The shadow immediately bounded backward, jumping twice until they reached the door to the room. "You needn't trouble yourself with such a trivial matter, heed the warning bestowed upon you, Spear Hero-dono degozaru."

Lowering his weapon, Takehide continued to frown at this interloper who had warned him of getting closer to the Shield Hero. Just why was that? Who did they serve? He wanted to hold them here and question them, but he felt as if he was only allowed to spot them this once. This folk reminded him of a Ninja, capable of powerful concealment abilities, especially as they faded into the darkness that made up the corners of the room.

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