part 1

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"Ei wake up!" my mom yelled from downstairs. I groaned and sat up in my bed. There was something important to do today... SCHOOL FUCK-

I scrambled our of bed over to my closest and grabbed out the UA uniform. I'm pretty excited that I got to skip a year, I'll be in the same year as Shoto. It'll be nice to have someone I know in class already, plus Momo will be there and she always helped me with my homework, which is always useful to have someone who's smart.

"Ei, hurry up! You're going to be late!" my mom yelled.

"Sorry, I'll be down in a second!" I grabbed my red bow and quickly put it in my hair.

Most people don't know why you're supposed to stay away from people who have red bow pins or in their hair, but it's because they're apart of the Yakuza that controls this part of the city. Having an actual bow means you're a high ranking member. Shoto doesn't even know his uncle runs the Yakuza, because my uncle (Endever) refused to tell him. Which is fair.

"Maybe you shouldn't tell everyone you're going to take over the family business on the first day of school Ei," my mom said pointing at my bow. Family business is a funny way of saying it.

"It'll be fine. Gotta level out the competition anyway," I smirked. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Come on, we've got to go," she grabbed my arm and we started walking out of the house.

The car ride was boring, pretty much like everything else that I do with my mom. My dad was so much more entertaining, if not just a tad terrifying. But hey, gotta raise a little hell. 

"Don't kill any of your classmates, and tell Shoto I said hi," my mom said as I got out of the car. I walked through the school yard when I saw the  farmiller hair and half hair.

"Shoto!" I yelled jumping up on his shoulders.

"Ei! I swear to god do not do that again," Shoto yelled. I got off and apologized with a smile.

"Who's the new extra half and half?" a blond said behind us. He looked like a pomeranian.

"I'm his cousin Ei Todoroki!" I said with a smile. "Nice to meet you!"

"Tch, what's up with the bow?" he pointed to my hair. I smiled what I assume was slightly ominous considering he growled at me after ward. So defensive and it's only the first day, he must have one hell of an inferiority complex.

"It was a gift from my father. Everyone in his business has one!" I said. He looked over to Shoto and was met with a shrug. He could pretty much see straight through it, which is almost funny.

"Sure, I'll believe that. Where's shitty hair?" he looked around and it seemed a red head caught his eye from a distance.

"Bakubro!" the red head yelled. The blond pomeranian seemed annoyed at the nickname.

"Eijiro we've litrally had sex, I'm not your bro. Now hold my hand," the blond angrily stuck his hand out. The red head was happy to take it, seems like it'd be annoying to be in a relationship with someone like him.

"Shoto what's even going on? And what are those guys names?" I wispered to my cousin.

"To be completely fair, I don't even know their names. And god knows what's going on honestly," he shrugged. Thanks, helpful. Really super helpful Shoto. You dumb bitch.

"Todoroki-kun!" a green haired boy said. I could see Shoto blush, it was faint but it was there.

"Bakubro! Kirishima!" another blond yelled. If he's as annoying as the other one I'm gonna leave the damn school. I waved happily at him. He slowed down and did that stupid hair slick back thing guys do when they think they're flirting well. "Who's the new girl? The name's Kaminari," he stuck hand out for me to shake, if I wasn't slightly annoyed by this already I was now. I shook his hand with a smile.

I saw the red head talking with the other blond, he kept shooting glares at me. Which was honestly hilarious in my opinion.

"My name's Ei Todoroki, I'm Shoto's cousin," I said happily. "We should start getting to class. No one wants to be late on the first day."

He smirked stupidly and stuck a hand out with a half bow. "May I walk you?" I laughed and nodded, taking his hand. Men.

Word count: 760
Remember; be gay, do crime.

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