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Josh's eyes fluttered open to reveal a hospital room, a thin gown over his naked body, too bright of lights, and curtains all around him.

"What happened?" He groaned, his voice harsh from lack of water.

Lauren's voice cane from the other side of the curtain, "Josh!" She ran time him and gave him a tight hug. "Thank goodness you've woken up!"

He crunched his eyes closed from the bright light, "What happened?" He repeated.

"You passed out your at the hospital," her voice was soft and smooth. She gazed into his eyes with a loving look.

He nodded, "Huh but how can they treat me, I was once a Devil"

Lauren explains, "Since there are more Devils becoming human the doctors have learnt to overcome problems with your kind. Your doctor is also very similar to you."

Josh raised his brows and as he did his doctor entered the room, sure enough a Devil turned himself.

"Josh! Your awake, great! I'll give you the rundown of everything and then your set to go home!" The human-Devil spoke with confidence and a cheery voice.

The doctor had a suit covered with doctor overalls, a pen and clipboard in his hand. He had light blonde hair, brown feathered wings, blue eyes, and a chubby figure.

Josh nodded, indicating to continue.

"I'm not sure if you knew this but we found you had a fractured arm and wing, and an internal bleeding. Your wife said that it must have been a while ago, from before you turned?"

Josh was shocked, "Oh wow. But it's been so long ago, why haven't I healed?" ignoring the wife part.

The doctor exhaled, "Well, since it was before changing your body wasn't sure what to do. Since your arm has grown back, it still has that history of before, and we've found with our kind we don't heal properly after the change. I'm fact if you get a paper cut you're advised to take this medication." He handed Lauren the bottle of medicine, "your actually lucky your internal bleeding wasn't anything other than a scratch so you've actually been living for a year with your stomach lining bleeding continuously. Don't worry we've drained it, and have fixed you up!"

Lauren added, "Hun you've been here for at least a month."

Josh was in shock, how did he not know he's been here for a month? And how was this possible without him knowing. He's always felt a little pain here and there but he thought it was just from eating too much or exercising too hard. He never thought he was still injured!

Licking his lips, Josh spoke up, "So I'm free to go?"

"Yes" the doctor turned to the door.

Lauren quickly questioned, "So if we run out can we just get a refill here?"

The doctor turned, "Yes but josh will have to do it before you run out. Otherwise we can't give it out to humans. And it's $150 for the bottle. We've given you this one free of charge. Have a good day!" He left in a hurry to go see his other patients.

Lauren smiled and turned to Josh, "Alright I've brought you your clothes and you can change in the bathroom. I'll wait here, I've already signed us out."

Josh got up and took the clothes, shuffling to the bathroom.  In there he took off the robe and took a look at his scares. They seemed to be everywhere, and where his arm broke off there was a small zigzag white line.

He brushed it off and got dressed but not before wondering about the wife comment.

He emerged from the bathroom in a tight red shirt and blue jeans that fit in all the right places. Lauren must have bought these for him.

"Hey Lauren," she turned around to look at his eyes trying her hardest to not look at his abs and pecks through the skin tight shirt, "what did he mean by 'wife'?"

She laughed, "Oh that! Well in order for me to stay here and take care of you and cover you on our insurance I said you and I were married." She then glanced down and licked her lips.

He nodded, "Oh okay." Was that a hint? Was she thinking about marriage? He was but he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable by going to fast. We're they going to fast?

They left the hospital and drove off to their apartment, just on the outskirts of the city.

The building was four floored, had a beige color and black accents. The inside was clean and kept, and this area wasn't known to robbery or danger.

The inside was covered in soft greys, and whites. Pictures of flowers and smiling people covered the walls.

The couple entered the third floor and entered their home.

It was a small apartment, but held everything they needed. There were two bathrooms, three rooms, a living area into the kitchen, and a tiny balcony.

The two adopted a small cat, grey and orange. An ear was bent to the side and it's nose was pink. It's tail was fluffy unlike the rest of its body. Josh usually kept it well fed but due to his absence it was skinner than he remembered.

"Hey Sky's too skinny!" Josh exclaimed once he entered their bedroom.

Lauren laughed, "She's the weight she's supposed to be. You overfed her."

Josh heard the purr and saw Sky beside his leg, her blue eyes looking up at him in anticipation.

Josh smiled forgetting the weight comment and picked up his baby. Sky meowing in happiness and staying kept in his arms.

Lauren shook her head and unpacked her bag of clothes into the hamper for washing.

They were both tired and needed sleep, so they stripped into their underwear and climbed into bed. Sky right behind them, and sitting on Josh's head for a snooze.

The couple laughed and cuddled into a deep sleep.

There was a lot to do tomorrow, and hopefully a few discussions will be done.

The Devil's Angel Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ